

(Recreational Writing) Mapa Mental sobre Land/World, criado por DaenaTargaryen em 21-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por DaenaTargaryen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por DaenaTargaryen aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Island
    1. large-ish land mass
      1. large enough to contain several cities, provinces, kingdoms, etc.
        1. Northern Province
          1. Southern Province
            1. Eastern Province
              1. Western Province
              2. split into regions (*work out later*)
                1. regions held by lords, overseen by king(s)
                  1. "The Wilds"
                    1. Upper Wilds
                      1. *same as Lower Wilds
                      2. Lower Wilds
                        1. barren land
                          1. inhabited by a small amount of people
                2. Island = surrounded by water
                  1. seas, lakes, rivers, etc.
                    1. A huge river runs through the land
                      1. little rivers, streams, etc, all over the place
                        1. waters used for travelling/trading/battle.
                          1. (general use)
                        2. surrounded by one huge sea
                          1. *named at later date*
                        3. Overruled by one King
                          1. Land names/places
                            1. Important cities/places
                              1. each province has a large/main city
                                1. West
                                  1. North
                                    1. East
                                      1. South
                                      2. city of the king/royal family
                                        1. again, refer to GoT
                                          1. Kingslanding*
                                          2. a sprawling city
                                            1. central castle with holdfast, etc
                                              1. research medieval lands; keep referring to GoT
                                                1. e.g. the Red Keep
                                                1. Citadel
                                                  1. centre of the kingdom/region
                                                    1. not the seat of the king but the seat of the council/counsel
                                                      1. people of importance who are not royal
                                                        1. masters
                                                          1. mages(?)
                                                            1. advisors/lords
                                                              1. scholars/academics
                                                      2. Splitting of the Land
                                                        1. Many places:
                                                              1. into different places
                                                              2. main land mass(es)
                                                                1. going to be very large


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