A2 Physics Unit 4


Mapa Mental sobre A2 Physics Unit 4, criado por kieran.fowler69 em 28-03-2014.
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Resumo de Recurso

A2 Physics Unit 4
  1. Further Mechanics
    1. Momentum
      1. Momentum = Mass x Velocity
        1. P (kg ms-1) = m (kg) x v (ms-1)
        2. Momentum is ALWAYS conserved
          1. Assuming no external forces
            1. Total momentum before equals total momentum after
            2. Resolve vectors to solve momentum in two dimentions
            3. Force and Energy
              1. Force is the change in momentum
                1. F = ma
                  1. "the rate of change of momentum of an object is directly proportional to the resultant force which acts on an object"
                    1. F = mv / t
                  2. Conservation of Energy
                    1. Energy cannot be created or Destroyed. Energy can be transferred from one form to another but the total amount of energy in a closed system will not change.
                    2. Kinetic Energy
                      1. Ek = 1/2 mv^2
                        1. Ek = P^2/ 2m
                          1. Kinetic Energy is conserved in Elastic collisions
                        2. Circular motion
                          1. Radians
                            1. Angle in Radians = (2¬ / 360) x angle in degrees
                            2. Angular Speed is the angle an objet rotates per second
                              1. w = 0 / t
                                1. v = w r
                                2. Frequency and Period
                                  1. f = 1/ T
                                    1. w = 2¬ f
                                      1. T = 2¬ / w
                                      2. Centripetal Acceleration
                                        1. F = m v^2 / r
                                          1. a = r w
                                            1. a = v^2 / r
                                              1. F = m w^2 r
                                                1. Produced by Centripetal Force
                                            2. Electric and Magnetic Fields
                                              1. Electrical Fields
                                                1. Electric field around a charged object
                                                  1. F = k Q1 Q2/ r^2
                                                    1. Force on Q1 is always equal and opposite to Q2
                                                      1. k = 1 / 4¬E
                                                        1. E = permittivity of material between charges
                                                      2. Radial and Uniform
                                                        1. E= kQ / r^2
                                                          1. E = F / Q
                                                            1. E = V / d
                                                            2. Capacitors
                                                              1. Amount of charge stored per volt
                                                                1. C = Q / V
                                                                2. Charging and Discharging
                                                                  1. Q = Q0 e^-t/RC
                                                                    1. V = V0 e^-t/RC
                                                                      1. I = I0 e^-t/RC
                                                                      2. T = RC
                                                                        1. Fully Discharged = 5RC
                                                                      3. W = 1/2 QV
                                                                        1. W = 1/2 CV^2
                                                                          1. W = Q^2 / 2C
                                                                          2. Magnetic Fields and Forces
                                                                            1. ∅=BA
                                                                              1. ϕ=N∅=BAN
                                                                                1. Fleming's left hand rule
                                                                                  1. F=BIl
                                                                                    1. F = BIl sin Θ
                                                                                      1. The force on one metre of wire carrying a current of one amp at right angles to the magnetic field
                                                                                    2. Charged particles in magnetic fields
                                                                                      1. F = Bqv
                                                                                        1. F = Bqv sin Θ
                                                                                        2. Faraday's law
                                                                                          1. The induced e.m.f is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux linkage
                                                                                            1. induced e.m.f =∆Φ/∆t
                                                                                              1. induced e.m.f = ∆N∅/∆t
                                                                                          2. Electromagnetic Induction
                                                                                            1. Lenz's law, the induced e.m.f is always in such a direction at to oppose the change it caused
                                                                                              1. induced e.m.f = -∆N∅/∆t
                                                                                              2. Transformers
                                                                                            2. Particle Physics
                                                                                              1. The Nuclear Atom
                                                                                                1. Particle Accelerators
                                                                                                  1. Classification of Particles
                                                                                                    1. Antiparticles
                                                                                                      1. Quarks
                                                                                                        1. Detecting particles


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