System Interactions.


a map about system interactions
Linda McDermott
Mapa Mental por Linda McDermott, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Linda McDermott
Criado por Linda McDermott mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

System Interactions.
  1. Plants
    1. flowers if it is angiosperm
      1. gymnosperms if it has cones
        1. organ systems
          1. roots


            • send water up to the plant through the xylem tubes
            1. stems
              1. xylem


                • brings water up from the roots
                1. phloem


                  • brings nutrients down from leaves
                2. leaves


                  • have stomata to let air and water in and out of the plant send nutrients to the plant through the phloem tubes
                  1. needles


                    • needles do not dry out as fast , so some plants keep their needles during the winter or during the dry seasons
                    • don't have as many stomata as the leaves
                3. homeostasis


                  • response to stimuli
                  • maintain stability and balance
                  1. tropisms
                    1. phototropism
                      1. thigmotropism
                        1. gravitropism
                    2. Animals
                      1. homeostasis


                        • maintains balance
                        1. cells
                          1. tissues
                            1. organ
                              1. organ system
                                1. digestive
                                  1. appendix
                                    1. Ingestion
                                      1. mouth
                                        1. pharynx
                                          1. tongue
                                            1. teeth
                                              1. salivary glands
                                              2. substrate
                                                1. fluid
                                                  1. bulk
                                                    1. suspension
                                                    2. digestion
                                                      1. stomach
                                                        1. ruminants
                                                          1. 4 chambers
                                                        2. pancreas
                                                          1. liver
                                                            1. small intestine
                                                              1. gallbladder
                                                              2. absorption
                                                                1. elimination
                                                                  1. large intestine
                                                                    1. anus
                                                                  2. immune
                                                                    1. excretory
                                                                      1. circulatory
                                                                        1. endocrine
                                                                          1. nervous
                                                                            1. acquired
                                                                              1. innate
                                                                                1. phagocytes
                                                                              2. skeletal
                                                                                1. muscular
                                                                                  1. viscera or smooth
                                                                                    1. intestines
                                                                                    2. skeletal
                                                                                      1. attached to bones
                                                                                      2. cardiac
                                                                                        1. heart
                                                                                      3. reproductive


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