WW1 and Germany


Mapa Mental sobre WW1 and Germany, criado por alisha.wallace97 em 15-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por alisha.wallace97, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alisha.wallace97 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

WW1 and Germany
  1. Why did Germany lose?
    1. Collapse of AH forces
      1. Introduction of US into the war
        1. Overstretched economy
          1. Mass Desertion
            1. Overstretched supply lines
              1. Loss of naval control
              2. What effect did WW1 have on Germany?
                1. Dolshtoss
                  1. Inside Germany
                    1. German Surrender
                      1. Discontent
                      2. Effects of the War on Germany
                        1. Massive burden on women and children
                          1. Inflation- break in 1914 cost 2.6 marks, in 1918 it cost 30!
                            1. Rationing, combined with a poor harvest in 1916
                              1. 10.7 million conscripts
                                1. 2 million dead
                                  1. 2.7 permanently disabled
                                    1. 500,000 widows
                                      1. 1 million orphans
                                    2. German Surrender
                                      1. Kaiser Wilhelm II strips power of Ludendorff, who flees to Sweden
                                        1. Civilian Gov created- Weimar Republic
                                          1. Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates
                                            1. German cities and towns being to rule themselves
                                              1. Civilian gov sign the Armistice with allies on 11/11/18


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