Biology the nervous system


Mapa Mental sobre Biology the nervous system, criado por georgia_x_barnes em 15-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por georgia_x_barnes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por georgia_x_barnes aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Biology the nervous system
  1. sense organs detect stmuli
    1. stimuli is a change in your environment
    2. 5 different sense organs-ears,eyes,nose,tonge&skin
      1. all contain diff receptors-are groups of cells which are sensitive to a stimulus. they change stimulus energy into electrical impulses.
        1. a stimulus could be light,sound,touch,pressure,pain,chemical or a change in position or temperature.
        2. 5 sense organs&receptors
          1. eyes-light receptors-sensitive to light&cells have nucleus,cytoplasm&cell membrane(like most animal cells)
            1. ears-sound receptors-sensitive to sound-also balance receptors to changes in position
              1. nose-smell receptors-sensitive to chemical stimuli
                1. tounge-taste receptors-sensitive to bitter,sour,salt&sweet&savoury things-chemical stimulus
                  1. skin-sensitive to touch,pressure,pain and temp change
                  2. sensory neurones-nerve cells carry signals as electrical impulses from the recpeptors in the sense organs to central nervous system
                    1. Relay neurone-nerve cells carry signals from sensory Neurones to motor neurones
                      1. motor neurones-nerve cells carry signals from central nervous system to effector muscles or glands
                        1. Effectors
                          1. respond in diff ways. muscles contract in response to a nervous impulse, whereas glands secrete hormones
                          2. Central Nervous System(CNS)
                            1. coordinates a response
                              1. all info from sense organs is sent&where reflexes &actions are coordinated.
                                1. consists of brain&spinal chord only.
                                2. neurones(nerve cells) transmit info(as electrical impulses)very quickly to&from CNS instructions from CNS are sent to the effectors(muscles&glands) which respond accordinly.


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