Education and Achievement Class factors


Mapa Mental sobre Education and Achievement Class factors, criado por melagrigg em 16-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por melagrigg, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Education and Achievement Class factors
  1. External factors
    1. Cultural Deprivation
      1. cultural equipment - language, self-discipline and reasoning
        1. failure to socialise children properly - Working classes
          1. issues with
            1. language
              1. Bernstein (1975)
                1. Elaborate and restricted speech
                  1. Favours the middle classes
                  2. Critics - claim he is a cultural deprivation theorists - Bernstein says he talks about home and school inadequately teaching to use elaborate codes
                2. Intellectual development
                  1. W/C lack toys and games to develop adequately
                    1. Douglas and W/C reading at home
                  2. Attitudes and values
                    1. Feinstein (1998) lack of parental interest main reason for failure at school
                      1. Reflects the sub-cultural interests of the W/C
                        1. Barry Sugarman (1970)
                          1. Fatalism
                            1. what will be will be
                            2. Collectivism
                              1. more important to be part of a group
                              2. Immediate gratification
                                1. Sacrifices now for the future
                                2. Present time orientation
                                  1. short term goals
                        2. Compensatory education policies
                          1. 1960 Head start in the USA (Sesame St)
                            1. Sure Start UK
                              1. Health, values, education
                              2. The myth of...
                                1. Nell Keddie (1973) blames the victim and not the education system
                                  1. Link to culture
                              3. Material deprivation
                                1. Housing
                                  1. Overcrowding
                                    1. Poor health
                                    2. Poverty
                                      1. link to social class
                                        1. FSM and PP
                                        2. Stigma - hand-me-down uniform and lack of equipment
                                          1. Children working to support families
                                          2. Diet and health
                                            1. Wilkinson (1996) more hyperactivity etc. in poorer families
                                          3. Cultural Capital
                                            1. Pierre Bourdieu (1984)
                                              1. Cultural
                                                1. language, tastes and attitudes
                                                2. Education and economic capital
                                                  1. Convert cultural capital into...e.g. better schooling for M/C into jobs and economic prosperity
                                                3. Alice Sullivan (2001)
                                                  1. Cultural capital only small part of middle class educational success
                                                    1. Gewirtz - marketisation and choice
                                                      1. Privileged, skilled choosers
                                                        1. rely on cultural and economic capital
                                                        2. disconnected local choosers
                                                          1. W/C nearest school
                                                          2. Semi-skilled
                                                            1. mainly W/C with ambitions for children. Often frustrated by education policies and school choice
                                                  2. Internal factors
                                                    1. Labelling
                                                      1. Interactionist - Howard Becker (1971)
                                                        1. Keddie - labelling of knowledge not just students - high and low status (think citizenship)
                                                        2. The self- fulfilling prophecy
                                                          1. Rosenthal and Jacobson
                                                            1. Teachers beliefs about pupils changed the way they interacted with them and subsequently the behaviour/achievement of the pupil
                                                              1. Streaming can often cause pupil to believe they have been 'written off' by teachers. Less likely for higher streamed pupils
                                                          2. Pupil subcultures
                                                            1. Lacey (1970)
                                                              1. Polarisation caused by streaming resulted in pro and anti school subcultures.
                                                                1. Ball (1981) remove streaming and remove anti-school subcultures
                                                                  1. Policy dictates that more than ever streaming is used
                                                                    1. Marxist - ignores wider structures in place - teaching is part of a system that reproduces class divisions
                                                              2. S Roberts (2013) the missing middle in education often ignored.
                                                              3. Marketisation and selection
                                                                1. The wider education system
                                                                  1. Funding, league tables and competition
                                                                    1. the A-C Economy
                                                                      1. Gilborn and Youdell - education triage or sorting
                                                                        1. Selection of pupils - cream-skimming and silt shifting


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