58: People Will Look For Shortcuts Only if the Shortcuts are easy


Chapter 6: What Motivates People Point 58: People Will Look For Shortcuts Only if the Shortcuts are easy
Miranda Davis
Mapa Mental por Miranda Davis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miranda Davis
Criado por Miranda Davis aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

58: People Will Look For Shortcuts Only if the Shortcuts are easy
  1. People will look for ways to do something faster and with fewer steps.
    1. This is especially true if they're repeating the task over and over.
    2. Provide shortcuts as long as they are easy to learn, find and use. But, don't assume people will use them.
      1. If they're too hard to find or use people will keep doing it the way they already know.
        1. Users want their perceived workflow to remain the same or become less.
      2. Provide defaults if you know thats what most users will want to use.


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