Basil Hallward


A Levels Dorian and Dickinson Mapa Mental sobre Basil Hallward, criado por laurissafield em 29-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por laurissafield, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por laurissafield aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Basil Hallward
  1. "whose sudden disappearance some years ago"
    1. "I have put too much of myself in it"
      1. "saw Dorian Gray for the first time...our eyes met"
        1. "I don't want to see Dorian tied to some vile creature who might degrade his nature and ruin his intellect"
          1. "The Gods made Sibyl Vane for you"
            1. "You were the most unspoiled creature in the whole world"
              1. "He felt that Dorian would never again be all to him he had been in the past"
                1. "I was dominated, soul, brain and power by you"
                  1. "He is all my art to me now"
                    1. "I worshipped you"
                      1. "As long as I live, the personality of Dorian Gray will dominate me"
                        1. "I find him in the curves of certain lines"
                          1. The only central character with a sense of right and wrong
                            1. Taken the role of Good Angel
                              1. "You were the most unspoiled creature in the world"
                                1. Struggles with a vocabulary of sin and redemption as it is not natural to him
                                2. Desire not to be a personality
                                  1. Consistent with his unrequited love for Dorian
                                    1. His adoration/praise of Dorian turns him into an object of desire for the predatory Henry
                                    2. Contrasts with Henry and Dorian
                                    3. Reverse of Henry's Hedonistic ideals
                                      1. He denies himself
                                        1. Does not tell Dorian of his feelings until the picture has begun to change
                                          1. Determination that Dorian shall "never know" may spring from fear of rejection, or conviction that homosexual desire is forbidden
                                            1. But refusal to articulate longing means it remains at the level of "worship"
                                      2. His self-denial makes him the heart of the story
                                        1. Crushes his jealousy to voice approval of love between Dorian and Sibyl, abandoning class prejudice as well as his own hopes
                                          1. Suggests his generosity of spirit
                                            1. Also poses the question of where do the desires of others fit in?
                                            2. Would rather destroy the picture than let it provoke a quarrel between Henry and Dorian
                                            3. Once he has confessed his feelings, he settles for the role of a trusted friend
                                              1. But his later work is inferior to the portrait, so does so at a cost
                                              2. Embodiment of longing


                                                Vocabulário de Espanhol
                                                Direito Administrativo - Visão Geral
                                                tiago meira de almeida
                                                Princípios de Direito Processual do Trabalho
                                                Anderson Lopes
                                                Genética Molecular: Ácidos Nucleicos
                                                Renata Cavazzana
                                                O Renascimento
                                                Professor Junior
                                                Português 1 - Sintaxe: Frase, Oração e Período
                                                História do Brasil - Período Colonial
                                                Seguridade Social 3 - Organização e Princípios Constitucionais
                                                André Cavallini
                                                HISTÓRIA DA EDUCAÇÃO
                                                Luciana Amaral Pereira Freire
                                                Questões de Sais Minerais
                                                Camila Carolina
                                                Contextualização Aula 02 - Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Ambiental - Medicina
                                                Jéssica Meireles