Design and make a small storage unit influenced by any design era of the last 100 years.


Mapa Mental sobre Design and make a small storage unit influenced by any design era of the last 100 years., criado por joseph_pryer em 12-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por joseph_pryer, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por joseph_pryer quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Design and make a small storage unit influenced by any design era of the last 100 years.
  1. Storage
    1. Cabinet
      1. Box
        1. Table
          1. Shelf
            1. Must hang on wall
              1. Health and Safety issues
            2. Cupboard
              1. Chest
                1. Basket
                2. Items to store
                  1. Clothes
                    1. Chest of draws
                    2. Drinks
                      1. Needs to be waterproof?
                        1. Cupholder
                      2. Photos
                        1. Specific size?
                        2. Food
                          1. 'Nick-Nacks'
                            1. CD's
                              1. Books
                                1. Links with teacher Client
                              2. Materials
                                1. Wood
                                  1. Sustainible
                                  2. Plastic
                                    1. Enviromental issues
                                      1. Crude oil
                                        1. Non-sustainable
                                    2. Metals
                                      1. Heavy, Rustable
                                      2. Fabric
                                      3. Client
                                        1. Friends
                                          1. Storage unit for boarding?
                                          2. Family
                                            1. Lily
                                              1. University
                                                1. Storage unit for University?
                                            2. Teachers
                                              1. Store books
                                            3. Design Era's
                                              1. Pop art
                                                1. Symbolism
                                                  1. Bauhaus
                                                    1. Minimalism


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