ICT in Society


Mapa Mental sobre ICT in Society, criado por Sammy Cohen em 14-05-2014.
Sammy Cohen
Mapa Mental por Sammy Cohen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sammy Cohen
Criado por Sammy Cohen quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

ICT in Society
  1. Education
    1. ICT in education helps us use the internet to find out up-to-date information that might not be in a textbook.
      1. Educating people
        1. Revision Sites
          1. Access to internet
            1. Incorrect information
              1. Expensive to use - compared to a textbook
                1. Quicker
                2. Shopping
                  1. Online Shopping can make it easier and simpler to get all of your needs with a few clicks of a button
                    1. Saves time
                      1. Easy for the disabled
                        1. Available 24/7
                          1. Online Fraud
                            1. Long time to deliver
                            2. Banking
                              1. Easier to use
                                1. SafeKey - used in the UK and is on many banking websites to make sure it is more safe and easy to use online
                                  1. Transactions completed easily and quickly with a credit or debit card
                                    1. Online Fraud
                                      1. Different websites may not be verified and could just be taking your money
                                      2. Entertainment
                                        1. A lot of entertainment is stored on the internet and on ICT.
                                          1. iTunes
                                            1. Pictures
                                              1. Youtube
                                                1. Books
                                                    1. Apps
                                                      1. You can do whatever you want
                                                        1. Social Networking could be bad if not used in a sensible way
                                                          1. Social Networking


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