unit 2, Block 1


k235 - Dementia Care Mapa Mental sobre unit 2, Block 1, criado por Nicky24 em 15-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por Nicky24, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Nicky24 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

unit 2, Block 1
  1. Dementia
    1. Refers to a range of symptoms, that result in ireversable death of brain cells
      1. most forms of dementia affect - memory, reasoning, behaviour, activities and cognitiion
        1. Alzheimer's accounts for 50% of people with dementia, Vascular/multi-infarct dementia 30-40% of suffers
          1. risk of dementia increases with age, but also as a result of brain injury, brain tumours, infection, toxins, and lack of oxygen to the brain
          2. diagnosis
            1. over half the people with dementia are currently undiagnosed
              1. doctors may avoid diagnosis as there is no effective treatment or cure, and because of stigma attached to dementia
                1. A diagnosis of dementia can provide an entry point to support services, and allows people to plan their financial and health care future
                2. Facts
                  1. 1.1 % of UK population had dementia in 2007
                    1. over 60% of care is by informal/unpaid carers
                      1. In 2050 its estimated 115 million people world wide will have dementia
                      2. The 'problem' of demenia
                        1. Research into finding a cure, does not help people NOW
                          1. cost of dementia care high than cancer, CHD, and stroke
                            1. Underfunded research
                              1. Prevelance set to increase


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