To what extent has Religion changed the way everyone has lived?


The Ancient World Mapa Mental sobre To what extent has Religion changed the way everyone has lived?, criado por griffinwill123 em 16-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por griffinwill123, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por griffinwill123 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

To what extent has Religion changed the way everyone has lived?
  1. Religion
    1. Catholic
      1. Protestant
        1. Gods
        2. Religion has changed
          1. Religion is first priority for people in the Ancient World
            1. The way everyone lived
              1. People fight over Religion
          2. People all have there own opinion
            1. People have there own right to choose what they want to believe
              1. Religion isn't always going to be correct
            2. Religion was a big part in the Ancient World
              1. In the Ancient World everyone would go to worship there gods before anything else
              2. Priority
                1. Most important
                  1. Everything else comes second


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