Questionnaire design


MSc Epidemiology Practical Epidemiology EPM 103 Mapa Mental sobre Questionnaire design, criado por jmoffman em 28-05-2014.
Mapa Mental por jmoffman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jmoffman quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questionnaire design
  1. Factors to consider
    1. Only use if helps to meet objectives
      1. Should be easy to use, process and analyse
        1. Should limit measurement error
          1. Should respect the respondent's dignity and privacy
          2. Types of questionnaires
            1. Used in face to face interviews
              1. Used in telephone interviews
                1. Self-administered
                  1. For handheld personal computers
                  2. Types of questions
                    1. Open-ended questions
                      1. Closed-ended questions
                      2. Points to consider to avoid threatening or objectionable questions
                        1. Using words familiar to respondents
                          1. Using open-ended questions
                            1. Establishing context to soften impact
                              1. Loading question with details in order to minimise significance of behaviour in itself
                                1. Using a series of questions on related subjects, some threatening and some none-threatening
                                  1. Asking in borad categories
                                    1. Including question in sequence of questions about non-threatening bahavious
                                      1. Placing question late in questionnaire
                                      2. Questionnaire layout
                                        1. Clear introduction to encourage participation
                                          1. Interviews: Initial introduction should be standardised
                                            1. Clear instructions at beginning
                                              1. Attractive, easy and convenient to use
                                                1. Printing easy to read and of suitable size
                                                  1. Questions should not extend over more than one page
                                                    1. Questions should flow and be ordered according to importance and sensitivity
                                                      1. Transition statements to break up long questionnaires
                                                        1. Long enough to cover all information without being a burden
                                                          1. Include all possible responses in response lists
                                                            1. Aids to recall
                                                              1. Decide how questionnaire will be coded
                                                                1. Thank you's at the end
                                                                  1. Self-administered: invitation and space for comments
                                                                    1. Interviews: space for starting and finishing times and comments
                                                                    2. Introduction or cover letter to provide adequate information on study
                                                                      1. Who is doing study
                                                                        1. What study is about
                                                                          1. How their name was chosen
                                                                            1. What is expected
                                                                              1. Who will see information provided
                                                                                1. If participation voluntary
                                                                                2. Pre-test questionnaires
                                                                                  1. Words understood?
                                                                                    1. Questions answered correctly?
                                                                                      1. Suggested bias?
                                                                                        1. Closed-ended questions responses for all respondents?
                                                                                          1. Questions interpreted similarly?
                                                                                            1. layout inviting?
                                                                                              1. etc.


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