Book Talk Mind Map


For our digital story project. Courtney Nash & Michelle Sasanas
Mapa Mental por cn7879, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por cn7879 quase 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Book Talk Mind Map
  1. ELACC8SL5 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas : Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.
    1. Students will create a book talk presentation integrating multimedia and visual effects to present information and add interest while meeting the rubric expectations at 90% or higher.
      1. CREATE
        1. Synthesize
          1. Students may choose any appropriate novel upon which to create a book talk presentation. They may work in groups of 2-4. Their final product must be interesting to the audience and provide information to encourage others to read the story. The format must exhibit knowledge and proficient use of multimedia and visual components.


        Orações Subordinadas Adverbiais
        Viviana Veloso
        Curiosidades do Mundo: Fatos da História
        Alessandra S.
        Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #3
        Eduardo .
        LEI 8112/1990
        GoConqr suporte .
        Conhecimentos de Estatística e Probabilidade
        Sem Parar
        Anatomia Artérias
        Filipe Brito
        Sócrates, Platão e Aristóteles
        André Matias
        Contextualização da disciplina - Desenvolvimento Humano e Social - Saúde
        Emmanuela Pimenta
        Simulado ENEM - Ciências da Natureza
        Nathalia - GoConqr