Typical DSL and Cable cabling at home


Informática y Comunicaciones Notas sobre Typical DSL and Cable cabling at home, criado por Wagner Ramirez em 25-11-2017.
Wagner Ramirez
Notas por Wagner Ramirez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Wagner Ramirez
Criado por Wagner Ramirez mais de 6 anos atrás

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Página 1

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

The Digital Subscribe Line creates relatively short miles long not ten miles log high-speed link WAN between a telco customer and an ISP. It gets advantages from the telephone lines already installed in the houses. The DSL technology splits the signal having internet data and voice data separate to do that the DSL technology uses a switch at their central office or CO which is capable to set up voice calls and forward the voice through the worldwide voice network (often called public switched telephone network or PSTN) and the normal data to the Intenet   

Cable Internet

Crea an Internet access service which generally rather than specifically has many similarities to DSL but instead of taking full advantage of the telephone lines it uses the existing cable TV (CATV) to send data Like DSL uses asymmetric speeds the downstream is faster than the upstream.  At the CATV company side, the data has to be split out so the regular data goes to the routers and the video the tvs homes.


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