Phone Numbers


English Basic English Lessons Notas sobre Phone Numbers, criado por Luisa F. Castaño O. em 25-09-2014.
Luisa F. Castaño O.
Notas por Luisa F. Castaño O., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Luisa F. Castaño O.
Criado por Luisa F. Castaño O. mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Introduce yourself to one of your calssmates. Then ask him/her to give you his/her phone number. Look at the example below:

Telephone NumbersWe normally give telephones by saying each individual number in it:Our phone number is two six three, three eight four seven. (263-3847)When there is a zero (0) in our telephone number, we often say O like the name of the letter O.e.g. 505-1023 = five-O-five, one-O-two-three.If a phone number contains two of the same numbers together, we usually say double (number).If a phone number contains three of the same numbers together, we usually say triple (number)e.g. (212-8555) two one two, eight triple five.The above rules for telephone numbers also apply to fax numbers.To ask for someone's telephone number we say:What's your phone number? It's 555-2565.What is Woodward Chile's phone number? It's 2789-0135.We don't normally say: What's your telephone number? (Though it IS grammatically correct)When you reply, you can give just your telephone number OR say: It's + (your phone number).

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