eneida silva vidal


Homework describe yourself
Notas por enne_vidal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por enne_vidal mais de 8 anos atrás

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HOMEWORK DESCRIBE YOURSELF ( APPEARENCE, PERSONALITY,THINGS YOU LIKE ) My name is Eneida Silva Vidal, I´m twenty years old. I´m live in Tijuana. I´m a young women. I´m studying in UNIPAC. I’m tall and thin. My hair is long, straight and brown.I have eyes browns. I am friendly. I blush when ask me something. I like call a my friends and family. I declare, I’m angry and homesick. I like meet new persons and help. I don’t like draw. I like foot and special pozole, tamales, toasted, I like buy treatments related with the face and hair. I like I like wake up, get up and cook the breakfast. I like be in the school to learn. I like my work.I like dance. I like get home and watch tv , read and relax. ENEIDA SILVA VIDAL 1M/PSI


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