Iris Sisneros
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Quiz sobre Greek Civilization 204, criado por Iris Sisneros em 04-12-2014.

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Iris Sisneros
Criado por Iris Sisneros mais de 9 anos atrás

Greek Civilization 204

Questão 1 de 78


In Herodotus' Histories, the term historis means?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • ‘plot’ or ‘storyline’

  • ‘biography’

  • ‘diary’ or ‘notebook’

  • ‘inquiry’ or ‘investigation’


Questão 2 de 78


In Aristophanes’ Clouds, the conflict between palaios and kainos is between _______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a) ‘old’ and ‘new’

  • b) ‘right’ and ‘wrong’

  • c) ‘black’ and ‘white’

  • d) ‘better’ and ‘worse’


Questão 3 de 78


A komos is ____________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a unit of measure or moderation

  • a kind of drink

  • a group of friends or family engaging in drink and contests against rival groups.

  • furniture at a symposium


Questão 4 de 78


A herm is _____________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a load bearing support beam in Greek architecture

  • a type of battle ship used during the Peloponnesian War

  • the legal charge brought up against someone who parodies the Eleusinian mysteries d) a post with a head and phallus placed at doorways and crossroads

  • a post with a head and phallus placed at doorways and crossroads


Questão 5 de 78


In Thucydides’ description of the Peloponnesian War, stasis means __________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a ‘stealing,’ i.e., theft of public goods for private consumption

  • a ‘forgetting,’ i.e., agreeing not to seek punishment/revenge on someone

  • a ‘standing apart,’ i.e., a political faction

  • a ‘deception,’ i.e., claiming one thing in public, but doing another in private


Questão 6 de 78


In Plato’s Apology, the term apologia means ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • trying to talk one’s way out of a problem

  • saying “I’m sorry”

  • giving a reasonable account of what one has done

  • all of the above


Questão 7 de 78


What does the name ‘Pheidippides’ mean? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Strong horse

  • ‘Cheap (or Thrifty) horse’

  • ‘He who races horses’

  • ‘He who writes comedies’


Questão 8 de 78


What is a sophist? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • someone who questions the existence of the gods by offering scientific causes for natural phenomena

  • someone who questions traditional authority through introducing innovations in literature, science,
    education, art, and even morality

  • someone who charges students a fee to teach them how to win arguments

  • all of the above


Questão 9 de 78


What is tokos? _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the acropolis OR the treasury

  • the name of a character in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata

  • interest earned on an investment OR a child

  • the struggle between better and worse speech


Questão 10 de 78


In 5th century Athens, “new” education consisted in training in _______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • rhetoric

  • scientific principles

  • how to win an argument at any cost

  • all of the above


Questão 11 de 78


In Aristophanes’ The Clouds, who are the Nephelai? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Nephelai = ‘Clouds,’ agents of the Greek gods sent to punish practitioners of ‘new education’

  • Nephelai = ‘Better Speech,’ the representative of the ‘old education’ trained in Homeric ideals

  • Nephelai = ‘Worse Speech,’ the representative of the ‘new education’ trained in rhetoric and tricking the
    public into doing whatever one wants them to do

  • Nephelai = ‘Creditors’ who are hunting Strepsiades down for the debt he owes


Questão 12 de 78


What was the Lenaea and what happened then? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • festival during winter (Jan./Feb.) celebrated with performance of comedy

  • festival during spring (March/April) celebrated with performance of tragedy

  • plague during 431/430 BCE which killed nearly 1/3 of Athenian population

  • Athenian court located at edge of city where criminals were tried for murder


Questão 13 de 78


What does the name ‘Lysistrata’ mean? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • ‘She who brings sorrow to the people’

  • ‘She who refuses to have sex’

  • ‘She who breaks apart the army’

  • ‘She who is the fame of her father’


Questão 14 de 78


Who is Kreitton Logos? ________________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • “Worse Speech” which personifies the “New Education” in Athens

  • One of the “Clouds” worshipped by Socrates in Aristophanes’ Clouds

  • a kind of religious pollution that comes from shedding human blood

  • “Better Speech” which personifies “Old-Time Morality” in Athens


Questão 15 de 78


What does the word hippos mean? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a ‘horse’

  • an ‘aristocrat’

  • a ‘hippopotamus’

  • someone’s ‘hip’


Questão 16 de 78


What does the name ‘Strepsiades’ mean? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • He who has pain in his throat’

  • '‘He who destroys the army”

  • ‘He who twists, wrestles, or tricks his opponents in court’

  • ‘Cheap (or Thrifty) horse’


Questão 17 de 78


Where does the name “comedy” come from? —————.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • com + edy = “eat together”

  • co + medy = “heal together”

  • come + edy = “come and eat”

  • komos + odē = “song of the group of drunken revelers”


Questão 18 de 78


What is the pentecontaetia in Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War? ______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the fifth book of Thucydides’ History.

  • the story of the 50 years between the Persian War and the Peloponnesian War.

  • the story of the 50 year long Peloponnesian War.

  • a list of 50 names of important events in Thucydides’ History.


Questão 19 de 78


What is a thesaurus?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a kind of dinosaur.

  • an epic poem about Theseus. .

  • a treasury.

  • a kind of war ship.


Questão 20 de 78


What kind of term is stephein “to twist”?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a technical term in wrestling, metaphorically used to describe a legal defendant.

  • a technical term in archery, metaphorically used to describe a moral failure.

  • a technical term in painting, metaphorically used to describe someone’s attitude.

  • a technical term in agriculture, metaphorically used to describe someone’s fame.


Questão 21 de 78


Why does the Persian ruler Xerxes decide to make war against the Greeks? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • In order to achieve something as great as his father and grandfather

  • A dream told him to go to war

  • In order to avenge the wrongs the Athenians did to the Persians

  • all of the above


Questão 22 de 78


How many chariot teams did Alcibiades enter in the Olympic games of 415 BCE? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • five

  • three

  • nine

  • seven


Questão 23 de 78


Who does Herodotus identify as the original ‘cause’ of hostilities between Greece and Persia? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Themistocles

  • Alcibiades

  • Croesus

  • Xerxes


Questão 24 de 78


Where did Cleon and Demosthenes surround and capture hundreds of Spartan hoplites? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Decelea

  • Syracuse

  • Leontini

  • Sphacteria


Questão 25 de 78


On what side did Alcibiades fight during the Peloponnesian War? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Persians

  • the Athenians

  • the Peloponnesians

  • all of the above


Questão 26 de 78


Why was Thucydides exiled from Athens during the Peloponnesian War? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • he was friends with Critias and the 30 Tyrants.

  • he lost during the Olympic games of 416 BCE.

  • he was rich and Athenians feared he would install himself as tyrant.

  • he failed to defend Amphipolis from the Peloponnesians.


Questão 27 de 78


Athens says they will help rescue Sicily from Syracuse. What were Athens’ real motives? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • to give Alcibiades a chance to prove his innocence

  • to give Alcibiades a chance to prove his innocence

  • to stop supplies from going to Sparta and increase its own empire

  • all of the above


Questão 28 de 78


In Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, what was Lysistrata’s plan? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • stop sexual reproduction and thus prevent Athens from sending more children off to die in war

  • convince men to stop Peloponnesian War by not having sex with them until they make peace

  • capture the Athenian treasury and prevent the city from spending more money on the war

  • all of the above


Questão 29 de 78


What does Socrates think his punishment should be? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • death

  • free meals at the Prytaneium (‘city hall’) like an Olympic champion

  • a large fine: an entire year’s wages

  • exile


Questão 30 de 78


According to Herodotus, why were the Persians unable to defeat the Greeks? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • any empire is essentially unsustainable because of its size and the difficulties of resupply

  • Greeks were a “hard” nation; Persians were a “soft” nation

  • the Persian leaders angered the gods with their hubris and were destined to suffer a tragic fall

  • all of the above


Questão 31 de 78


At what battle did both Cleon and Brasidas die? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Amphipolis

  • Delium

  • Sphacteria

  • Sicily


Questão 32 de 78


Why was Alcibiades brought to trial in Athens in 414 BCE? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • mocking the ritual of the Eleusinian mysteries

  • he was rich and Athenians feared he would install himself as tyrant

  • breaking phalluses off herm statues

  • all of the above


Questão 33 de 78


At the battle of Marathon, Darius’ army tried to reinstall _______________ as tyrant of Athens

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Alcibiades

  • Peisistratus

  • Hipparchus

  • Hippias


Questão 34 de 78


At the battle of Delium, who did Socrates save? —————.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Cleon

  • Thucydides

  • Alcibiades

  • all of the above.


Questão 35 de 78


What were the three complaints Corinth brought to the Peloponnesian League to make war on Athens? ______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Athens’ involvement in Corinth’s business at Corcyra, Potidaea, and Megara.

  • Athens’ attacks against Corinth’s colonies Mytilene, Amphipolis, and Melos.

  • Slanderous comments made about Cleon in two plays by Aristophanes.

  • Athens’ attitude toward Corinth, Thebes, and Sparta.


Questão 36 de 78


Why did Thucydides think Pericles was such an effective leader? _______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • his policy of “moderate empire”

  • his ability to “lead” the people, not “be led” by them

  • his incorruptible morality

  • all of the above


Questão 37 de 78


his ability to “lead” the people, not “be led” by them

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the disaster of Athens at Sicily in 413 BCE.

  • the Spartans’ surrender at the battle at Sphacteria in 425 BCE.

  • the Corinthian alliance with Argos during the Peace of Nicias.

  • Alcibiades’ defection to the Peloponnesian League to avoid trial in Athens in 415 BCE.


Questão 38 de 78


With the advice of Alcibiades, Sparta builds a fort at _________ that is extremely effective against Athens.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Pylos

  • Plataes

  • Potidaea

  • Decelea


Questão 39 de 78


In Aristophanes’ Clouds, Strepsiades finds Socrates in the “Thinkery” doing what? —————.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • being suspended in the air in a mēchanē.

  • being wheeled out on stage on an ekkuklema.

  • lecturing his students while standing on a bēma.

  • offering sacrifice to the gods by pouring liquid into a bothros.


Questão 40 de 78


Why was Sparta willing to make peace with Athens after the battle at Amphipolis in 421 BCE?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Sparta wanted the hostages captured at Sphacteria returned.

  • Sparta afraid of Athens’ influence on Messenians from the outpost at Pylos.

  • Sparta afraid about expiration of 30-year peace treaty with its hostile neighbor Argos.

  • all of the above


Questão 41 de 78


In Plato’s Apology Socrates claims that he can’t have intentionally corrupted the youth because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • corrupting the youth would make them harmful to Socrates himself, and nobody would willingly do that!

  • corrupting the youth would undermine traditional Greek morality.

  • corrupting the youth would make them stop paying Socrates for his professional teaching services.

  • all of the above


Questão 42 de 78


In Plato’s Apology Socrates claims that he can’t both be an atheist and worship “new” gods because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • this is an ad hominem attack by his accusers.

  • this is an ad hominem attack by his accusers.

  • this is an example of post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning.

  • this is a contradiction in terms.


Questão 43 de 78


Socrates accepts his death sentence because he thinks:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • death does not destroy the soul, but frees it from the body (a distraction).

  • death is nothing but sweet, endless, dreamless sleep.

  • death is an opportunity to visit with the souls of famous heroes in the underworld.

  • all of the above


Questão 44 de 78


Socrates claims that he questions people in the agora because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • he needs the money.

  • he likes meeting new people and making friends.

  • he is trying to prove that the god Apollo is correct.

  • he is trying to corrupt the youth.


Questão 45 de 78


Socrates explains that he has a daimon that tells him __________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • who to kill.

  • what horse to bet on in the race.

  • yes” when he is saying something that is true.

  • “no” when he is saying something that is false.


Questão 46 de 78


In Aristophanes’ Clouds Strepsiades is afraid of the moon because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • he is afraid of werewolves when the moon is full.

  • the new moon signals the monthly interest due on his debts.

  • the new moon signals the power of witchcraft.

  • the waning moon reminds him of his mortality.


Questão 47 de 78


In Aristophanes’ Clouds Strepsiades is in debt because of _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • his son’s thrifty nature

  • his wife’s luxurious nature

  • the cost of his son’s education

  • all of the above


Questão 48 de 78


In Aristophanes’ Clouds Pheidippides explains that it is morally correct for him to beat his father because ____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Strepsiades is trying to cheat on his taxes.

  • Strepsiades dishonored his mother by marrying a woman from Egypt.

  • parents beat children to make them better and old age is a second childhood.

  • the rule of the world is that the mighty do what they want and the weak must suffer it.


Questão 49 de 78


Aristophanes’ Lysistrata can be considered “conservative” because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • at the end, the women climb down from the acropolis and return to their “traditional” roles as wives and

    c) at the end, women remain in control of the city’s finances
    d) at the end, Aristophanes won first place in the poetic competition.

  • at the end, the men continue fighting.

  • at the end, women remain in control of the city’s finances

  • at the end, Aristophanes won first place in the poetic competition.


Questão 50 de 78


Socrates was probably put to death because of _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • corrupting the youth

  • not believing in the gods of the Athenians

  • his uncompromising morals and habit of making Athenians feel guilty

  • his friendship and involvement with Critias and other members of the 30 Tyrants


Questão 51 de 78


What does the contrast of demos vs. domos refer to?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • public vs. private spheres

  • abroad vs. domestic locations

  • comic vs. tragic plays

  • men vs. women


Questão 52 de 78


Who is NOT an accuser of Socrates?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Anytus

  • Hippolytus

  • Meletus

  • Lycon


Questão 53 de 78


What does metoikos mean?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • charioteer

  • sea merchant

  • city coordinator

  • resident alien


Questão 54 de 78


How large was an Athenian jury of the court?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 10-12

  • 50-212

  • 415-1,001

  • 501-2,000


Questão 55 de 78


How large was an Athenian jury of the court?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the theater of Dionysus

  • Pyrtaneion

  • a symposium

  • Aegospotami


Questão 56 de 78


The Spartan war strategy is:

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • An all-in frontal attack.

  • A sneak-in surprise attack during the night.

  • To starve them out by destroying crops and blocking imports.

  • Spartans are too busy partying to fight.


Questão 57 de 78


How long did the “30 Year” peace treaty between Athens and Sparta actually last?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • 5 years

  • 14 years

  • 23 years

  • 30 years


Questão 58 de 78


How does Socrates prove himself to be the wisest of all men? a

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • points out his pricey education.

  • Admits his ignorance.

  • Requests his students speak in his defense.

  • Recites the Iliad and Odyssey to the jury.


Questão 59 de 78


What is a Greek comedic play?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • A safe opportunity for the common man to question politics and criticize the majority culture.

  • A funny display of impromptu jokes and gestures on stage.

  • A scripted play solely meant for entertainment and a demonstration of the playwright's mastery over

  • A circus-like show that has acrobatics and little or no plot or storyline dictating the actors’ movements.


Questão 60 de 78


The social reversal seen in Aristophanes’s Lysistrata is: a) Lower class become the elite.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Lower class become the elite.

  • Women become politically dominant over men.

  • Foot soldiers command more respect than the Equites.

  • Slaves not only participate in, but also contribute to the upper class.


Questão 61 de 78


Passage #1
“For our part, we will not make a long speech no one would believe, full of fine moral arguments—that our empire is justified because we defeated the Persians, or that we are coming against you for an injustice you have done to us. And we don’t want you to think you can persuade us by saying that you did not fight on the side of the Lacedaemonians in the war, though you were their colony, or that you have done us no injustice. Instead, let’s work out what we can do on the basis of what both sides truly accept: we both know that decisions about justice are made in human discussions only when both sides are under equal compulsion; but when one side is stronger, it gets as much as it can, and the weak must accept that.”

Identify where this passage comes from: ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Lysias’ On the Murder of Eratosthenes

  • Plato’s Apology of Socrates

  • Herodotus’ Histories

  • Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War


Questão 62 de 78


Who is speaking to whom? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Socrates to his jury

  • Ambassadors of Persia to ambassadors of Athens

  • Ambassadors of Athens to ambassadors of Melos

  • Sparta to its allies


Questão 63 de 78


What is the speaker’s main point in this passage? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the addressee is a colony of Lacedaemonia

  • defeating Persia gives the speakers the right to ask for whatever they want

  • the following speeches will be full of “fine moral arguments”

  • justice (i.e., doing what is ‘right’ or ‘fair’) is the rule of the weak; the rule of the strong is to take
    whatever one wants


Questão 64 de 78


Why does the author of the work include this passage in the text? ______________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • author was eyewitness—this is what was really said

  • author is professional speech-writer and is just showing off his skill

  • author invents this speech so as to characterize the moral position of the speaker/speaker’s city

  • author thinks speaker’s arguments are ‘morally’ correct, and he wants his readers to know it


Questão 65 de 78


In this text, the speaker believes in the general principle ______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a) good things come to those who wait.

  • might makes right.

  • know thyself and nothing in excess.

  • the good guys always come out ahead in the end.


Questão 66 de 78


In this text, the addressee believes he will be saved because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • he believes in the immortality of the soul and is not afraid of death.

  • he believes the underdog will win.

  • he believe Athens will be merciful towards him

  • he believes Sparta will save him.


Questão 67 de 78


What happens as a result of this speech in the text? ________.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • addressee is saved by last minute rescue mission of Lacedaemonians

  • speaker’s army destroys city of the addressee, kills the men and enslaves the women & children

  • speaker and addressee forge bonds of close friendship

  • addressee surrenders to speaker and hands over large amounts of money


Questão 68 de 78


“For their part the Greeks, knowing that their fate was sealed by those who were coming over the mountain, fought with reckless fury, exerting every ounce of strength against the enemy. By this time, most of them had had their spears broken and were hewing down the Persians with their swords. It was at this crisis that Leonidas fell, after showing exceptional courage, and with him many notable Spartans whose names, together with the names of all three hundred, I have taken care to learn, they being men of great worth.”

Where does this passage come from? ______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Aristophanes’ Clouds

  • Herodotus’ Histories

  • Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War

  • Lysias’ On the Murder of Eratosthenes


Questão 69 de 78


What is the author describing here? _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the battle at Plataea

  • the battle at Marathon

  • the battle at Sicily

  • the battle at Thermopylae


Questão 70 de 78


What happened in this battle that made it so famous? _______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Spartans, Athenians, and Plataeans defeated the remnants of Xerxes’ great Persian army

  • the Athenians held off Persian invaders almost single-handedly

  • more than 300 Spartans and other Greeks lost their lives holding off a much larger Persian army for
    several days

  • in the aftermath, Socrates proves himself a heroic fighter and saved Alcibiades’ life


Questão 71 de 78


Why does the author include this episode in his narrative? ____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • author thinks this episode represents the character of a free state vs. subject state

  • author thinks this episode is a major event that changes the outcome of the war he is describing

  • author thinks this episode represents the national character of the two opposing sides

  • all of the above


Questão 72 de 78


By saying that he has taken care to learn “the names of all three hundred,” what is the author doing? _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • being thankful that he didn’t have to memorize more names

  • likening himself to Homer who commemorates the heroic actions of brave men who died young in battle

  • lying to his audience, since he does not go on to list the 300 names

  • trying to make us feel guilty for not memorizing the 300 names ourselves


Questão 73 de 78


What happened as a result of the events described here? ____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Greeks came together to resist the Persian invasion as a single nation.

  • Athens continued its policy of “moderate empire.”

  • the author’s book became a best-seller.

  • Aeschylus made the event into a tragedy produced at Athens.


Questão 74 de 78


A modern statue of Leonidas in Sparta bears the inscription molon labe which means _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • “tonight we dine in hell!”

  • “this is Sparta!”

  • “come and get it!”

  • “even gods can bleed!”


Questão 75 de 78


The Greeks chose to fight the Persians in this location because ______.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • it was narrow and would work against the Persian army’s superior size.

  • it was hot and would work against the Persian army’s sensitivity to temperature.

  • it was dark and the Persians were not familiar with the territory.

  • it was close to silver mines and the Greeks wanted to protect those.


Questão 76 de 78


Passage #5
“But the greatest misery of all was the dejection of mind in those who found themselves beginning to be sick, for as soon as they made up their minds it was hopeless, they gave up and made much less resistance to the disease. Another misery was their dying like sheep, as they became infected by caring for one another; and this brought about the greatest mortality. For if people held back from visiting each other through fear, then they died in neglect, and many houses were emptied because there was no one to provide care. If they did visit each other, they died, and these were mainly the ones who made some pretense to virtue. For these people would have been ashamed to spare themselves, and so they went into their friends’ houses, especially at the end, when even family members, worn out by the lamentations of the dying, were overwhelmed by the greatness of the calamity. ... The present affliction was aggravated by the crowding of country folk into the city, which was especially unpleasant for those who came in. They had no houses, and because they were living in shelters that were stifling in the summer, their mortality was out of control.”

What text does this passage come from? _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Herodotus’ Histories

  • Plato’s Apology

  • Clouds

  • Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War


Questão 77 de 78


What event is being described in this passage? ____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Corcyrean Revolution

  • the battle at Thermopylae

  • the plague at Athens

  • the destruction of Melos


Questão 78 de 78


The author takes special care describing this event because _____.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • he was trained in the “new education” system which included study of medicine.

  • he is trying to entertain his readers with tales of the macabre.

  • he thinks the events described here represent the cruelty of the Spartans.

  • all of the above
