Mari Diaz -Peralta
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Vocabulary and expressions about airport and check in

Mari Diaz -Peralta
Criado por Mari Diaz -Peralta quase 5 anos atrás

Video: check in at the airport

Questão 1 de 1


Preencha os espaços em branco para completar o texto.

Attendant: are you flying to?
Attendant: I see your passport, please? / I have your passport, please?
You: Sure, you are / here it is
Attendant: Are you in any bags?
Attendant: Have you left your bag unattended at any ? (bags alone for a while)
You: No, I haven’t
Attendant: Please, place your bag on the (to weigh the luggage)
You: sure
Attendant: Would you like a , or an seat?
You: Middle seat, please
Attendnt: Here is your pass. Go through security. Your to Montreal departs from 26
