George Mariyajohnson
Quiz por , criado more than 1 year ago

Highers Accounting and Finance (Year 2) (Managerial Economics) Quiz sobre Lecture 10- Labour economics, criado por George Mariyajohnson em 17-03-2021.

George Mariyajohnson
Criado por George Mariyajohnson mais de 3 anos atrás

Lecture 10- Labour economics

Questão 1 de 28


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Labour is demand (occurs when demand for is from demand for ). Demand for labour is from demand for final


Questão 2 de 28


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An employee’s remuneration is they get. Large part of this in many circumstances is their but it may also include


Questão 3 de 28


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Efficiency wage theory suggests that it may be for managers to pay than market wage because of consequent &


Questão 4 de 28


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Real wages are adjusted for . They show of earnings


Questão 5 de 28


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Marginal value product- Value of extra of extra


Questão 6 de 28


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Reservation wage- amount that an would require to job


Questão 7 de 28


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Geographical immobility occurs when employees move between to accept job


Questão 8 de 28


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Migration refers to flow of people & of country. Immigration means people are into country. Emigration means they are country. Net migration means that more people are country than are


Questão 9 de 28


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Demand for will be linked to demand for . Demand for is derived from demand for you are producing: labour is ‘’. Higher the demand for your & the more are willing to pay for product, the higher the demand for in general is likely to be, & this is likely to pull up &


Questão 10 de 28


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Another factor that influences your demand for labour is how employees are. If employees are then they produce , & this output can be sold. This means that you are likely to be willing & able to pay them


Questão 11 de 28


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In rational world you will employ people up to point where value of extra produced by one person (known as value of ) is equal to extra of employing that person. This is marginal condition of employment for employer


Questão 12 de 28


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Productivity is key element in likely earnings of & of business. As manager, you will want to examine every stage of operational process to look for ways of helping to become more . is potentially win–win situation (business can earn more, & so can employees)


Questão 13 de 28


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Managers will want to improve because this can help to unit costs. Increasing may be achieved in several ways which include changes to , changes to , of staff &


Questão 14 de 28


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of employees in market will depend on conditions as well as


Questão 15 de 28


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Supply of labour- Number of people who are & to work in particular at given ). It will depend on range of factors such as amount of required, involved, relevant numbers in , ease of & of job


Questão 16 de 28


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Reservation wage depend on many factors, such as of job, conditions, of work & an individual’s circumstances


Questão 17 de 28


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Labour market is made up of of markets. & of labour in given region is from those in another region; & for one type of job is from those for another type. In any particular market level may be determined by market forces of &


Questão 18 de 28


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If demand for labour , this leads to wage; demand pulls wage level. If demand for labour , this leads to wage; demand pulls wage level


Questão 19 de 28


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If supply of labour to market , this number of people available & wages are pushed . If supply of labour to market , this number of people available & wages are pushed


Questão 20 de 28


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An in demand for labour may be caused by demand for final product. This leads to equilibrium wage & higher of labour. A in demand for labour may be caused by demand for final product. This leads to equilibrium wage & quantity of labour


Questão 21 de 28


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An in supply of labour may be caused by . This leads to equilibrium wage & quantity of labour. A in supply of labour may be caused by . This leads to equilibrium wage & quantity of labour


Questão 22 de 28


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In some markets there may be one main ‘’ of particular type of . If there is one of labour, this is known as ‘’. is likely to drive wages & employ people than well functioning market would


Questão 23 de 28


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Market conditions may lead to that brings about in particular labour market, but which society feels is too . This desire to see employees earn ‘ amount’ led to government introducing in 1999. There is now for those aged 25 & over


Questão 24 de 28


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Argument against minimum wages is minimum wage is amount an employee can be
legally . If this is set market wage it could lead to supply. At wage, quantity demanded & quantity supplied (compared to equilibrium wage & output). Impact of minimum wage would be that number of people employed compared to but wage rate they receive is


Questão 25 de 28


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Argument for minimum wages is benefits as there would be increasing as workers have more (workers on lower have propensity to consume). Also, there would be an increase in to work (people may come off ). In addition, productivity may & welfare effect for lower paid


Questão 26 de 28


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Trade unions exist to represent & protect their . By being part of union, have more in negotiations because they are acting as , rather than . This means they might be able to wages


Questão 27 de 28


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Trade unions may also to force managers to same number of employees that would occur in market but insist on wage than market suggests. Trade unions may also counteract of big employers. Also, it protects


Questão 28 de 28


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Remuneration of employees is important to attract the right & of staff. Employee’s are also significant of business & must be monitored & assessed to ensure is worthwhile. that individuals receive will usually be affected by & conditions in relevant labour market. Low pay may be associated with levels of demand &/or levels of supply. High pay is likely to be associated with supply &/or levels of demand
