Translate into English: Ele ainda está com fome.
He still is hungry
He is already hungry.
He is still hungry.
Translate into English: Ela não está pronta ainda.
She's not ready yet.
She's not ready already.
She doesn't ready yet.
Translate into English: Nós já fizemos amigos aqui.
We have already made friends here.
We have already make friends here.
We have still made friends here.
Translate into English: Você já almoçou?
Have you still had lunch?
Have you had lunch yet?
Have you already have lunch?
Translate into English: Eu acredito em você! Você consegue!
I believe you! You can do it!
I believe on you! You can do it!
I believe in you! You can do it!
Translate into English: Você tem que se concentrar nisso!
You have to concentrate in this!
You have to concentrate at this!
You have to concentrate on this!
Translate into English: Ele gastou todo o dinheiro ele em comida!
He spent all his money on food!
He spends all his money on food!
He spent all his money in food!
Translate into English: Você teve o que merece!
It serve you right!
It serves you right!
Does serves you right!
Translate into English: Me mantenha por dentro do assunto!
Keep me on the loop!
Keep me in the loop!
Keep me out the loop!