Flagella are involved in chemotaxis
Flagella are made of actin
Cilia and flagella are...
The same thing
Similar but flagella are shorter and only wave back and forth
Similar but cilia are shorter and only wave back and forth
What is the name of the central microtubule in the flagella?
Which motor protein holds it all together?
Myosin attaches to two microtubules and bends them to create motion
The sliding of the microtubules over each other is powered by
ATP hydrolysis
GTP hydrolysis
UTP hydrolysis
What is this an image of?
Peritrichous bacteria
Petrichous bacteria
Pericentric Bacteria
Name the parts labelled by the arrows
Basal body
Flagella body
The flagella is made up of the 'flagellum' protein
How many protofilaments make a filament?
The filament can rotate 180 degrees
The following image shows Conformational Switching
Quick switching between the right and left configurations allows the bacteria to what?
Change directions
Speed up/slow down
Attack/release a surface
Which of the following are the two different repeat distances protofilaments can take
52.7 A
51.9 A
53.6 A
50.1 A
Switching between protofilament differences causes the bacteria to speed up/slow down
Which of the following is used to provide an overall map of filament structure?
Cryo-Electron Microscapy
X-Ray Crystallography
X-Ray fibre diffraction
X-Ray crystallography was used to sow the arrangement of the molecules in a fibre
X-Ray Ribre Diffraction was used to identify individual subunits
How was a fluorophore used to measure speed and rotation?
The filament was removed and fluorescent bead attached to the hook, which could still move freely
The hook was removed and fluorescent bead attached to the filament, which could still move freely
Fluorescent optics measures the changes in light intensity
What can be measured by the flurophore method?
Speed of rotation
Rotation width
Hook size
Filament structure