'Norm referenced' assessments do NOT measure students against set criteria but, in effect, against one another
An examination taken by an undergraduate at the end of the final year that formed 10% of the total marks towards their degree classification would generally be regarded as...
High stakes
Low stakes
Drag the labels to the appropriate place on the image. Note: Although some of the labels could be placed in more than one 'hotspot' there is only one fully correct answer. Also note: you have to drag your mouse pointer so that it touches the orange circle!
'Reliability' of assessment relates to how well the assessment measures the skills or knowledge that have been taught.
Which of the following is NOT a legitimate reason for assessing.
To spur the student on to "achieve their best”.
To measure how effective the programme of study has been
To identify those students who are ready to be professionals
To meet stated/ advertised study hours
To measure whether the necessary learning has been completed
To diagnose those who need to study more
To determine a grade or certification level
This quiz is formative rather than summative
Which of the following could be used for formative purposes?
Witness testimony
Self assessment
'REAP' found at http://www.reap.ac.uk stands for Re-engineering of assessment practices.
The word 'assessment' derives from the Latin 'assidere' which meant 'to sit by'
Complete this famous proverb that is particularly pertinent in today's world of league tables and accountability: You don't fatten a pig by it.