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Quiz sobre Psychology Test 1, criado por wendyvanessa1995 em 13-05-2014.

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Psychology Test 1

Questão 1 de 23


____ sometimes occur when a person experiencing sleep paralysis they begin to wake up and include bizarre episodes, such as sensing that an alien being is in the bedroom ; a suffocating feeling as if something is pressing on the chest; or feeling like they are floating out of their bodies.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • REM behavior disorder

  • REM rebound

  • Hypnopompic hallucinations

  • Paradoxical delusions


Questão 2 de 23


Seymour is just waking up when he realizes that he is paralyzed. He hears buzzing sounds and feels electrical sensations shooting throughout his body. Seymour

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • is experiencing REM behavior disorder.

  • is experiencing narcolepsy.

  • may also experience hypnopompic hallucinations during this episode.

  • may also experience hypnic jerks during this episode.


Questão 3 de 23


Regarding dream content, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Many dreams can be viewed as just a different form of thinking.

  • Actions in dreams usually take place between the dreamer and two or three other emotionally important people.

  • Dreams can make a difference in our lives by warning us of unhealthy habits and risky decisions.

  • All of these statements are true.


Questão 4 de 23


____ lead(s) users to take larger and larger doses of a drug to get the desired effect.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Withdrawal symptoms

  • Reduced activity neurotransmitters

  • Psychological dependence

  • Drug intolerance


Questão 5 de 23


Which of the following is classified as a stimulant?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • alcohol

  • cocaine

  • marijuana

  • morphine


Questão 6 de 23


In mild dosages, barbiturates have an effect similar to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • amphetamine psychosis.

  • caffeinism.

  • alcohol intoxication.

  • sleep-deprivation psychosis


Questão 7 de 23


Perls believed that dreams are best interpreted as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • symbolic wishes.

  • a rehash of the occurrences of the day

  • a message about what is missing in our lives

  • random brain activity with little meaning


Questão 8 de 23


After pairing the CS and US in a series of conditioning trials, the organism learns to respond to the CS alone. This learned behavior is then termed the

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • neural stimulus

  • conditioned stimulus

  • unconditioned response

  • conditioned response


Questão 9 de 23


Three-year-old Johnny was classically conditioned to salivate to a bell that was paired with lemon juice. After this conditioned response was extinguished, the experimenter presented the bell the following day, and Johnny responded by salivating again to the bell. at least at first. Johnny's return to the learned response is known as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • latent learning

  • response chaining

  • spontaneous recovery

  • stimulus control


Questão 10 de 23


Three-year-ld Jonny was classically conditioned to salivate to a bell that was impaired with lemon juice. Johnny also salivates to the sound of a ringing telephone and to a doorbell, even though they were never used as a conditioning stimuli. Johnny's salivation to the ringing telephone and to the doorbell illustrate

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • stimulus discrimination

  • stimulus generalization

  • extinction

  • shaping


Questão 11 de 23


If you could give a child her favorite licorice candy for doing well in school and she continues to do well in school the licorice candy is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • a reward and a reinforcer

  • a reward, but not a reinforcer

  • a reinforcer, but not a reward

  • neither a reinforcer nor a reward


Questão 12 de 23


Pigeons and rate who are reinforced on fixed interval schedules immediately after they receive reinforcer and do not start again until just before the next scheduled reinforcement. This illustrates that animals

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • are "stuck in time."

  • cannot be used as easily trained as humans on the task.

  • are cognitive time travelers.

  • are strongly influenced by circadian rhythms that can help or hinder training.


Questão 13 de 23


Which of the following terms applies to the observation that responses reinforced in the presence of certain stimuli will occur under similar stimulus conditions?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • operant reinforcement control

  • operant stimulus generalization

  • disinhibition

  • spontaneous recovery


Questão 14 de 23


Six-year-old Mark watches his older brother working on his algebra homework. The main reason that Mark will be unable to model his brother;s mathematical calculations will be because

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • Mark does not admire his older brother enough.

  • Mark will not be reinforced by anyone if he works the math problems correctly.

  • Mark is probably unable to reproduce the modeled behavior correctly.

  • Mark did not observe his brother carefully enough to reproduce the calculations.


Questão 15 de 23


Self-management based on keeping records of response frequencies is known as

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the Premack principal

  • observational learning

  • self-recording

  • frequency distributional results


Questão 16 de 23


Five-year old Jaycee learned her "ABCs" by repeating them over and over again. Jaycee learned the alphabet through

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • rote learning

  • insight learning

  • classical conditioning

  • operant conditioning


Questão 17 de 23


According to economist Jesse Shapiro, the intent of much advertising is to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • lie to the consumer regarding their product

  • provoke creative thinking in consumers about how this product can benefit them

  • "jam" the consumer's memory with positive impressions of a product

  • "frighten" the consumer into buying a product that will prolong life and youth


Questão 18 de 23


Greg is watching television when a beer commercial comes on that he has seen many times. In this commercial, a boy goes to a cool party, sees an attractive girl, flashes his favorite beer, and gets the girl. A year later, a friend asks Greg where he met his girlfriend, and he relates to a scenario very similar to the beer commercial, although his girlfriend does not remember any alcoholic beverages being served at this small "party" where they met. According to Jesse Shapiro, Greg's creation of a "memory" that never really happened occurred because advertisers are attempting to

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • "prime" implicit memories

  • "jam" your memories

  • create the serial position effect

  • elicit semantic memories rather than episodic ones


Questão 19 de 23


According to economist Jesse Shapiro, the more positive fictional commercials we see, the less likely we are to remember an actual negative experience with a product because

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the commercial produces an indelible implicit memory that is difficult to eradicate from one's memory

  • of the impact of peer pressure on people's attitudes

  • the positive fictional memories of the commercial "jam," or block, our abillity to remember actual negative memories when deciding whether to buy a product

  • of cognitive dissonance and out tendency to rationalize our decisions


Questão 20 de 23


The key to the cognitive interview is

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • the use of progressive relaxation

  • the use of progressive part recollection and recovery of memories

  • priming of eidetic imagery

  • recreating the crime scene


Questão 21 de 23


according to the serial position effect, you are most likely to forget the ___ items on a list.

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • first

  • middle

  • last

  • first and last


Questão 22 de 23


___ is the ability to correctly identify previously learned information

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • recall

  • recognition

  • relearning

  • redintegration


Questão 23 de 23


regarding our memories for people, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

Selecione uma das seguintes:

  • encoding failures affect our memories of people

  • we all tend to categorize strangers in general terms

  • people inclinations to act as if members of other ethnic groups "all look alike" tends to disapperar when they learn more about one another as individuals

  • all of these statements are true
