Introduction Quiz


11 Physics (11 Physics Fundamental Skills) Quiz sobre Introduction Quiz, criado por Ryan Elwell em 03-02-2020.
Ryan Elwell
Quiz por Ryan Elwell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ryan Elwell
Criado por Ryan Elwell aproximadamente 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

There are three types of question you will usually run into. The first is multiple choice. The letter A is:
  • A
  • B
  • C

Questão 2

The second type of question is called 'checkboxes'. This will be indicated and won't look the same as the MC questions. I will also try to include a telling phrase, such as "select all that apply" or something similar. Which of the following are numbers?
  • W
  • 1
  • 109
  • P
  • 3

Questão 3

The third type of question you will usually face will be a fill in the blank. These will be vocabulary or they will be problem solving type questions. There can be multiple blanks per question, so make sure you look closely! The two types of fill in the blank questions will be [blank_start]vocabulary[blank_end] or problem [blank_start]solving[blank_end].
  • vocabulary
  • solving


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