29. Mind wanders 30% of the time


Slides sobre 29. Mind wanders 30% of the time, criado por Rachel Ivan em 27-08-2018.
Rachel Ivan
Slides por Rachel Ivan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachel Ivan
Criado por Rachel Ivan quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Mind Wandering
    Hey. Pay Attention. Mind wandering is when you are thinking of something else as you are doing something else.So it's when you are thinking of something that's completely unrelated like how I was trying to speak of this and I randomly thought about the green grass that I started staring at. that's not the point though.a lot of people, most of the time, their mind wanders up to about 30% but when you're driving of doing something, it can go up to about 70% when you're not thinking about what you're doing. It could be a potentially good thing for the most part, if you have thought about something that allows you to remember, say an appointment, at (the book uses a hair salon) or you know, "I forgot the turn off the stove, let me go turn it off." but it can also be a bad thing, you can miss important information and not pay attention when someones talking to you. So pay attention more and be careful when you are designing for people to keep in mind that you don't always think about what you're doing.


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