International patent ISA


This slide gives a brief information about patent search and all the grants, which are obtained through it.
Slides por frankpholmes20, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por frankpholmes20 quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Slide 1

    Rubrica: : WIPO
    World Intellectual Property Organization
     WIPO is a wing of the United Nations for developing international intellectual property system. The PCT patent search system facilitates filing of patent applications under a single umbrella and provides for simplified procedure for the search and examination of such applications.  This allows a resident or national of a PCT member state to obtain the effect of patent filings in any or all of the PCT countries and to defer the bulk of filing costs usually due on filing.For more detail about patent search you can through this site- 

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

    The process of obtaining the grant of a patent begins with the preparation of a specification describing the invention. That specification is filed at a patent office for examination and ultimately a patent for the invention described in the application is either granted or refused. Patent specification Claims Filing date Priority claim Security issues Publication Patent pending Patentable subject matter Search and examination Issue or grant Post issue or grant
    Process of obtaining grant :


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