English by the nature method - Chapter One (1)


Quiz on English by the nature method - Chapter One (1) , created by Ademir José Moraes on 10/10/2018.
Ademir José Moraes
Quiz by Ademir José Moraes, updated more than 1 year ago
Ademir José Moraes
Created by Ademir José Moraes over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Mr. Smith is a [blank_start]_[blank_end]. Mrs. Smith is a [blank_start]_[blank_end]. John is a [blank_start]_[blank_end]. Helen is a [blank_start]_[blank_end]. Helen and the baby are [blank_start]_[blank_end]. John is a [blank_start]_[blank_end] and Helen and the baby are also [blank_start]_[blank_end]. There [blank_start]_[blank_end] one boy in the family. There [blank_start]_[blank_end] two girls in the family. [blank_start]_[blank_end] one father in the family. [blank_start]_[blank_end] three children in the family. John [blank_start]_[blank_end] son. Mrs. Smith is the mother. Mr. and Mrs. Smith [blank_start]_[blank_end] parents. John, Helen, and the baby are the children. Mr. Smith is [blank_start]_[blank_end] father of John. Helen is the daughter [blank_start]_[blank_end] Mr. Smith. John, Helen, and the baby are the children of Mr. Smith.
  • man
  • woman
  • boy
  • girl
  • girls
  • child
  • a child
  • is
  • are
  • There is
  • There are
  • is the
  • are the
  • the
  • of

Question 2

The man is [blank_start]_[blank_end] Smith; he [blank_start]_[blank_end] the father. The boy is John; [blank_start]_[blank_end] is the son. The woman is [blank_start]_[blank_end] Smith; [blank_start]_[blank_end] is the mother. The girls are Helen and the baby; [blank_start]_[blank_end] are the daughters. John is the [blank_start]_[blank_end] of Helen. Helen is the [blank_start]_[blank_end] of John. John and Helen are [blank_start]_[blank_end] and [blank_start]_[blank_end] Mr. Smithis the [blank_start]_[blank_end] of Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith is the [blank_start]_[blank_end] of Mr. Smith. There are five [blank_start]_[blank_end] in the family. The five [blank_start]_[blank_end] in the family are the , the [blank_start]_[blank_end], the [blank_start]_[blank_end] and the [blank_start]_[blank_end] [blank_start]_[blank_end] boy is John; [blank_start]_ _[blank_end] the son. [blank_start]_[blank_end] man is Mr. Smith; he is the _ _ woman is Mrs. Smith; she is the _ _ girls are Helen and the baby; they are the _ father and _ mother are Mr. and Mrs. Smith; they are _ parents of the children. _ is Mr. Smith? He is the father _ _ children. _ many children are there in the family? There are _ children in the family. How _ boys are there in the family? There is _ boy in the family. _ girls are there in the family? There are _ girls in the family. _ are the three children in the family? The _ children are John, , Helen, and the baby. _ is the son? The _ is John. _ are the daughters? The daughters _ Helen and the baby. _ persons _ there in the family? There _ five _ in the family. _ are the _ persons in _ family? are _ father, _ mother, _ son, and _ two daughters.
  • Mr.
  • is
  • He
  • Mrs.
  • She
  • They
  • brother
  • sister
  • brother
  • sister
  • husband
  • wife
  • persons
  • persons
  • father
  • mother
  • children.
  • The
  • He is
  • The
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