Examen Diagnóstico Inglés grado 9°

GoConqr Review

Pon a prueba tus conocimientos con este genial examen de Inglés para noveno grado. Realiza un diagnóstico de lo que sabes, respondiendo este cuestionario de Gramática, Vocabulario y Lectura. Al finalizar chequea tus respuestas.
luz Angela Cardozo
Quiz by luz Angela Cardozo, updated more than 1 year ago
luz Angela Cardozo
Created by luz Angela Cardozo about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Anna __________ in the school this morning.
  • are studying
  • is study
  • studying
  • is studying

Question 2

Jhon ______ the car
  • will opened
  • opens
  • open
  • openeded

Question 3

who is _____ Sara or Paul?
  • tallest
  • the tallest
  • taller
  • tall

Question 4

While Marie _____ the cat drank the milk
  • was sleeping
  • sleep
  • sleeping
  • will sleep

Question 5

Jacke _____ to write to her mother every week.
  • promised
  • pencil
  • in the school
  • speaks

Question 6

Jose and Carlos _____ in the park with the students
  • are
  • was
  • plays
  • is

Question 7

Luisa _____ in the beach
  • dances
  • will danced
  • dancing
  • were dancing

Question 8

The train ___________ arrives late during bad weather.
  • always
  • will
  • arriving
  • was arrive

Question 9

Butterflies are some of the most interesting insects on the planet Earth. There are more than seventeen thousand different kinds of butterflies! Butterflies come in all shapes and sizes. Butterflies go through four main stages of life. The first stage is the egg stage followed by the larva stage. As a larva, or caterpillar, the future butterfly eats as much as possible. As it grows, it sheds it outer skin, or exoskeleton. This may happen four or five times. After a few weeks, the caterpillar enters the next stage of its life, the chrysalis stage. In the chrysalis, the caterpillar will liquefy into a soup of living cells. Then, it will reorganize into a butterfly and the metamorphosis is complete. In later parts of the chrysalis stage, you can see the forming butterfly through the chrysalis. When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, it pumps its wings to send blood through them so that it can fly. Most butterflies only live a couple of weeks, just enough time to drink flower nectar and to mate. Some, like the Monarch Butterfly, however, may live many months. According to the text, choose the true sentence: The third stage of life for a butterfly is a chrysalis
  • True
  • False

Question 10

There are more than a thousand different kinds of butterflies in the world.
  • True
  • False

Question 11

The metamorphosis happen in the chrysalis stage
  • True
  • False

Question 12

the butterfly has 4 stages of life
  • True
  • False
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