Taleem Quran English quiz week 28; lecture by sister Taymiyyah Zubair


Taleem ul quran English quiz; lecture by sister Taymiyyah Zubair.surah baqarah 97-103
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Why did bani Israel not like Jibrael A.S.?
  • Because he brought punishment to the previous nations who were disobedient.
  • Because he brought down the quran and they did not like what was in the Quran
  • Because he brought the quran down on prophet Mohammad s.a.w and not on banu Ishaaq.
  • Because Jibrael a.s. brought the quran down on Mohammad s.a.w himself by his own will.

Question 2

In ayat 97 how does Allah swt describe the Quran?
  • Musaddiq: confirming the prophets / scriptures before it.
  • Huda: guidance and instruction for mankind.
  • Bushra: Good news to those who believe. (Have eeman)
  • Bushra : guidance and instruction for mankind.
  • Musaddiq: Good news to those who believe. (Have eeman)

Question 3

If a person learns and conveys the quran with sincerity then Allah swt will protect them and their enemies will not be able to harm them.
  • True
  • False

Question 4

In a hadith Qudsi (in Sahih Bukhari) Allah's messenger Mohammad s.a.w said that Allah has said that who ever opposes any wali/friend of mine.......(complete)
  • Then i will punish him with hellfire.
  • Then I declare a war against him
  • Then he will not be successful

Question 5

What are the root words and meanings of: نَّبَذَهُۥ ٱلسِّحْرَ
  • ن ب ذ : leave or abandon something which one thinks is useless. س ح ر : magic
  • ن ب د : leave or abandon something which one thinks is useless. س ہ ر : magic
  • ن ب ن : leave or abandon something which one thinks is useless. ث ہ ر : magic

Question 6

Did the Yahud and Nasara have the name and description of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w in their scriptures?
  • Yes
  • No
  • They were not sure it was him.

Question 7

For the believers who fear Allah in their deeds is a reward from near Allah!(ayat 103) what kind of reward will it be?
  • A reward which is great not ordinary.
  • A reward which is guaranteed.
  • A reward equal to all wordly benefits
  • A reward greater than any benefit one can receive in this world.
  • An everlasting reward
  • Temporary gains in the duniya.

Question 8

MAGIC IS [blank_start]KUFR[blank_end]
  • KUFR

Question 9

What do you understand from the ayat 102? Tick Mark the correct options.
  • Sulaiman a.s. taught magic
  • The devils among the jinns disbelieved and taught people magic.
  • Magic is a very filthy business
  • Magic is SHIRK
  • Sulaiman a.s. was a righteous prophet of Allah and a King.
  • Sulaiman a.s had a great kingdom and he ruled the people and birds, animals, jinns and winds by the izn of Allah.
  • Magic was a test from allah swt to see that who would follow the scriptures of allah and who would follow magic
  • Magic harms people and alters their fate
  • One can be affected by magic without the permission of Allah.
  • People purchased magic at the price of the akhirah

Question 10

malakain is the plural of malak (angel)
  • True
  • False
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