Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer test Surah Jathiya Ayah 1 - 20


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer test Surah Jathiya Ayah 1 - 20
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The meaning of Jathiya is Select one
  • The Smoke
  • The Groups
  • One that is kneeling

Question 2

What is the main Subject of Surah Jathiya ? Select one or more
  • We are Slaves, Servants of Allah therefore show humbleness, pride does not suit us
  • Save yourself from pride and arrogance, Allah is AL Aziz and AL Kareem
  • If one does not humble in the duniya, then he will be surely forced to humble in the Akhirah

Question 3

What are the types of Ayah ? Select one or more
  • Kauni Ayah( the nature around us )
  • Shar'iaa Ayah( Do's and Don'ts )
  • Iman

Question 4

What are the means through whuch we attain guidance ? Select one or more
  • The Quran
  • Pondering over the Kauni Ayaath( sun, moon, animals, ourselves )
  • Advice from friends

Question 5

If Quran and the Kauni Ayaath are not bringing a change in us then nothing else will change us. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Who are the ones who will truly ponder over the Ayaath of Allah ? Select one or more
  • Those who have Iman
  • People who have yakeen in the Oneness of Allah and Resurrection
  • People who exercise their Reasoning( use their intellect )

Question 7

( Ayah 7 ) Allah says distruction for each Big Liar and Sinner. What were their deeds ? Select one or more
  • He listens to the Quran but persists on his old habits of disobedience
  • Even after listening to the Ayaath of the Quran, he prefers his own desires above the Commands of Allah
  • When something of the knowledge comes to him, he takes them as a joke

Question 8

Why is Allah calling such a person a Big Liar ? Select one or more
  • He denies the Biggest Truth( Tauheed, Resurrection )
  • He does not Accept the Truth
  • He hears the Ayaath recited in front of him but acts as though he never heard them

Question 9

Why is Allah also calling such a person Sinner ? Select one or more
  • Pride stops him from implementing
  • He does not put an effort to change himself
  • He believes what he is doing is Right and persists on kufr

Question 10

What is our check list from Ayah 7 - 9 Select one or more
  • When I attend a Quran class , with what intention am I sitting with
  • Am I listening attentively or my mind wanders
  • Once I have understood the Ayah, how much of effort am I trying to implement in my life or do I persists in my old ways of ignorance

Question 11

Who is a Kafir ? Select one or more
  • One who knows but deliberately rejects the Ayaath of Allah
  • One who denies the truth
  • One in whose life there is no Shukar

Question 12

The believers are commanded to forgive the disbelievers. Why ? Select one or more
  • So that Allah deals with them because the way Allah deals with matters is the best way
  • So that Allah rewards the believers for their Sabr and firmness in Pleasing Allah
  • So that we look good in the sight of people

Question 13

The best way to deal with the one who hurts you. Select one or more
  • Forgive, overlook and leave the matter to Allah
  • We can't fully take revenge for the hurt, there is no pay back for the tears
  • When you take revenge you are depriving yourself of the rewards, so let go

Question 14

Whoever forgives and overlooks , does it for his own soul,he will definitely be rewarded (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 15

Whoever oppressed, mocked and insulted has committed evil,he is definitely in great danger. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 16

Why didn't the Bani Isreal benefit from their Knowledge on Deen? Select one or more
  • Bias and Envy among them
  • Illm should have made them humble but they showed pride
  • Wanted to show they were better than the other

Question 17

One who follows the Shariya reaches the Pleasure of Allah and one who abandons the Shariya is inviting the wrath of Allah. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 18

No matter how much your family or best friends pressure you ,to not to follow the Deen strictly, remember Allah is your Wali. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 19

Our family and friends will not benefit us, Allah is our Only True friend so follow the Quran. (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No

Question 20

Without Quran in our lives, we will be in darkness, confusion, aimless and without purpose. (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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