Lumbar and Cervical ICF Classifications - Super Simplified


Simplified diagnostic criteria for the ICF classifications, focusing on pain assessment and some A/PROM findings.
Ben Williams
Quiz by Ben Williams, updated more than 1 year ago
Ben Williams
Created by Ben Williams about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Patient reports low back pain and you take the following notes during your examination: P! worsens throughout day, esp. c Sustained Positions +PIT Aberrant Motions Gower Signs What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • LBP Move.Coor
  • LBP Referred LE P!
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Flexion Preference
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Extension Preference
  • LBP Mobility.Deficits

Question 2

Patient reports low back pain and you take the following notes during your examination: Morning P! depends on sleeping position P! Decreases c Walking/Standing P! Increases c Sitting/Flexion P! extends distal to knee What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • LBP Move.Coor
  • LBP Referred LE P!
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Flexion Preference
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Extension Preference
  • LBP Mobility.Deficits

Question 3

Patient reports low back pain and you take the following notes during your examination: P! decreases c Sitting/Flexion P! increases c Standing P! extends distal to knee What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • LBP Move.Coor
  • LBP Referred LE P!
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Flexion Preference
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Extension Preference
  • LBP Mobility.Deficits

Question 4

Patient reports low back pain and you take the following notes during your examination: P! does not extend distal to Knee Morning Pain/Stiffness, improves with 30-mins activity What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • LBP Move.Coor
  • LBP Referred LE P!
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Flexion Preference
  • LBP Radicular LE P! – Extension Preference
  • LBP Mobility.Deficits

Question 5

You've determined that your patient has LBP Radicular LE P! - Flexion Preference (good job!) and you note that their symptoms seem to be limited to the distribution of one particular nerve root. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Foraminal Stenosis.
  • True
  • False

Question 6

You've determined that your patient has LBP Radicular LE P! - Flexion Preference (good job!) and you note that their symptoms seem to be limited to the distribution of one particular nerve root. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Central Stenosis.
  • True
  • False

Question 7

You've determined that your patient has LBP Radicular LE P! - Flexion Preference (good job!) and you note that their symptoms seem to affect the distribution patterns of several nerve roots. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Foraminal Stenosis.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

You've determined that your patient has LBP Radicular LE P! - Flexion Preference (good job!) and you note that their symptoms seem to affect the distribution patterns of several nerve roots. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Central Stenosis.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Patient reports neck pain and you take the following notes during your examination: P! c Mid-Range motions, worsens @ End-Range Headache Referred shldr/UE P! (provoked by palpation) Sensitization Sympathetic Involvement What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • NP! Move.Coor
  • NP! Radicular UE P!
  • NP! Mobility Deficits
  • NP! Headache

Question 10

Patient reports neck pain and you take the following notes during your examination: P! extends distal to elbow +Spurlings Test +Neck Distraction Test +Median ULTT Ipsilateral Rotation <60-degrees What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • NP! Move.Coor
  • NP! Radicular UE P!
  • NP! Mobility Deficits
  • NP! Headache

Question 11

Patient reports neck pain and you take the following notes during your examination: Stiffness, improves c activity Referred P! UE Limited A/PROM, consistently reproduces symptoms @ End-Range What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • NP! Move.Coor
  • NP! Radicular UE P!
  • NP! Mobility Deficits
  • NP! Headache

Question 12

Patient reports neck pain and you take the following notes during your examination: Unilateral NP! & Related HA NP! Precedes HA HA from occiput to frontal lobe (Ram’s Horn) Limited Cervical A/PROM c Restricted upper cervical mobility What ICF Classification do you suspect?
  • NP! Move.Coor
  • NP! Radicular UE P!
  • NP! Mobility Deficits
  • NP! Headache

Question 13

Using the Wainner Cluster, you've determined that your patient has NP! Radicular UE P! (good job!) and you note that their symptoms increase with extension/axial compression. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Nerve Root Compression.
  • True
  • False

Question 14

Using the Wainner Cluster, you've determined that your patient has NP! Radicular UE P! (good job!) and you note that their symptoms increase with extension/axial compression. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Nerve Root Mechanosensitization.
  • True
  • False

Question 15

Using the Wainner Cluster, you've determined that your patient has NP! Radicular UE P! (good job!) and you note that their symptoms increase with flexion. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Nerve Root Compression.
  • True
  • False

Question 16

Using the Wainner Cluster, you've determined that your patient has NP! Radicular UE P! (good job!) and you note that their symptoms increase with flexion. Therefore, you can confidently conclude that they have a Nerve Root Mechanosensitization.
  • True
  • False
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