NOORUN ALA NUR Weekly Tafseer Test Portion: Surah Waqiah


NOORUN ALA NUR Weekly Tafseer Test Portion: Surah Waqiah
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Waqiah is one of the names of Qiyamah. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Who will be resurrected as ants on the day of resurrection ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Those who are short
  • Munafiq
  • Those who were proud and arrogant

Question 3

On the Day of resurrection, some will be honored and some disgraced. (True or false)
  • True
  • False

Question 4

What are the events of the day of Qiyamah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The earth will shake and mountains will crumble, scattered like dust
  • We will all enter Jannah
  • We will be divided into three groups

Question 5

Which are the three groups, we will be divided into ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The Foremost( Sabiqoon )
  • People of Right
  • People of Left

Question 6

Who are the Sabiqoon ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Those who come forward,run towards the obedience to Allah, they don't procrastinate
  • They not only perform the Fardh acts but regularly perform the sunnah and nawafil
  • They not only keep away from the Haram but also keep away from the makrooh

Question 7

The Sabiqoon will be more from the former generations and few from the later generations. Why ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The former generations were the pioneers hence sacrificed whatever was required for the Deen
  • They left the comfort of their homes, fought battles and gave their lives for the sake of Deen
  • To hear one Ahadiths , they would travel a months journey

Question 8

Who are the people of Right ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Those whom the book of deeds will be given in the right hand
  • Those who will be more from the former generation and the later generation
  • Such woman of Iman will be recreated in Jannah as young, beautiful virgins

Question 9

Who are the people of left ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Lived in comfort heedless and ungrateful to their Rabb
  • Persisted on Shirk and other major sins
  • Denied the akhirah hence lived distracted and involved in the duniya

Question 10

What will be the hospitality for the people of left ? Choose the Right Answer
  • They will fill their stomach from the tree of Zaqqum
  • They will drink hot boiling water, blood and pus like thirsty camel
  • In the midst of scorching winds and thick black smoke as shade above them

Question 11

How do we want to be resurrected ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Ants
  • Blind
  • The favorite ones of Allah( Mukar'ra' boon)

Question 12

The setting of the stars is referred to Choose the Right Answer
  • The setting of the stars at early dawn( Tahajjudh ),the best time to recite the Quran in Salah
  • The manner in which the Quran was revealed, ayah by ayah like stars guiding us to the straight path
  • Allah swears by the setting of the stars

Question 13

What is the Mighty Oath about ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The Quran is Kareem
  • The Quran is in the Lauhai Maihfooz well protected,none can touch it except the Angels
  • Revealed to the world by the Rabb of the Worlds

Question 14

( Ayah 81) What is the Amazement about ? Choose the Right Answer
  • How can you take the Quran lightly and have a non serious attitude towards it ?
  • Why won't you implement on the teachings of the Quran ?
  • How do you easily comprimise on the teachings of the Quran ?

Question 15

What is your share of the Quran ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Denying
  • Pick n Choose
  • Live the Quran

Question 16

How will death come to the Sabiqoon ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Death will be a source of relief, he will be happy to meet Allah and so will Allah want to meet him
  • Good looking Angels of death ,will come to him with good news of Jannah
  • The Angels will come with fragrance and rizq will be provided in his Grave

Question 17

Who are the Sabiqoon ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Performs the obligatory acts
  • As well as Sunnah and Nawafil
  • Not only kept away from Haram but also from acts which are Makrooh

Question 18

Sabiqoon = Excellent Performance People of Right = Average Performance People of Left = Poor performance, Failed (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 19

Who are the People of Right ? Choose the Right Answer
  • They performed the obligatory acts, however fell short sometimes
  • They stayed away from Haram, however sometimes ended up doing them
  • They performed very few Sunnah and Nawafil, however when it came to Makrooh, they were many

Question 20

The deniers and those astray ended up being roasted in the hell fire. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 21

Surely, there are only 3 groups and this is the absolute truth, therfore Glorify the Name of Your Rabb. (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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