Don't Be a Chatterbox - Audio 5


ACT Year 12 Certificate Book Club (Don't Be A Chatterbox) Quiz on Don't Be a Chatterbox - Audio 5, created by Al Huda Canada on 12/29/2014.
Al Huda Canada
Quiz by Al Huda Canada, updated more than 1 year ago
Al Huda Canada
Created by Al Huda Canada over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Silence is a means of Salvation.
  • True
  • False

Question 2

Allah (subhanahu wa ta'aala) disliked three things for you, which are: (Please select three options)
  • Talking uselessly
  • Wasting Wealth
  • Asking too many Questions
  • Blaming Others
  • Complaining Attitude
  • Ingratitude

Question 3

Allah (subhanahu wa ta'aala) gave use one tongue and two ears which teaches us to ______________.
  • Speak more and Hear less
  • Listen more and Speak Less
  • Thank Allah for the ears and tongue
  • Be humble

Question 4

When you talk, you should check your ___________. (Pick the most important one)
  • Intention
  • Style
  • Words
  • Tone
  • Speed

Question 5

When someone tells you about the evilness of other people, you should ___________.
  • Show them sympathy
  • Also mention other aspects they didn't notice
  • Judge other people based on this information
  • Not take part in it
  • Just nod so they know that you are paying attention
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