NOORUN ALA NUR Weekly Tafseer Test Portion Surah AL Baqarah Ayaath 62 - 74 And Hadith # 26


NOORUN ALA NUR Weekly Tafseer Test Portion Surah AL Baqarah Ayaath 62 - 74 And Hadith # 26
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

How did the ummah of Musa( as ) came to be known as Jews and their religion Judaism ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Because they lived in an area called Yahuda
  • Yaqoob( as) was known as Yahuda
  • Yahuda was eldest son of Yaqoob(as) ,the 12 tribes from this generation came to be known as Yahud or Jews
  • And from the name Jews, their religion came to be known as Judaism

Question 2

How did the ummah of Isa( as) came to be known as Nasara ? Choose the Right Answer
  • From the word Nusra which means worship
  • From the name Nazareth, the city where Isa( as) belonged
  • From the word Nusra which means help

Question 3

Who were the Sabians and which scripture did they follow ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The mushriq of macca called the believers Sabians
  • They were the ummah of Yahya( as)
  • They read the Zaboor but worshipped Angels

Question 4

What was the covenant given to the Bani Israel ? Choose the Right Answer
  • To follow the commands given in the Taurah
  • To fulfill the commands with firmness
  • To implement and mention

Question 5

What was Fadl and Rahmah shown to the Bani Israel after the mountain was suspended over their heads ? Choose the Right Answer
  • They repented and turned their attention towards the Taurah
  • They adopted Taqwa after the incident
  • They turned away from the Taurah, yet Allah didn't crush them beneath the mountain

Question 6

How did the Bani Israel play around in concerning the Sabbath ? Choose the Right Answer
  • The Bani Israel were commanded not to work on Saturday so they put their fishing nets on Friday itself
  • And on Sunday, they would take the fish out
  • Therefore technically they were not fishing on Saturday

Question 7

What happened with them for playing around with the commands of Allah ? Choose the Right Answer
  • One fine day they realized their mistakes
  • Allah forgave them in this matter
  • Allah turned them into detested Apes

Question 8

Why were the Bani Israel commanded to slaughter a cow ? Choose the Right Answer
  • To know who the culprit was, who had killed a man from the Bani Israel
  • To remove the love of the cow from the their hearts
  • To complicate the matter for the Bani Israel

Question 9

Why did the Bani Israel think their Prophet Musa( as)was joking with them ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Their attitude towards their Prophet was non serious
  • They disrespected and disregarded Musa( as )
  • They even took the commands of Allah lightly

Question 10

Sometimes when we are told to do something, we question a lot. What could be the reason ? Choose the Right Answer
  • You are eager
  • You are lazy and don't wish to do the work
  • You have a non serious attitude
  • You don't consider it important enough

Question 11

Asking irrelevant questions is discouraged and asking relevant questions is encouraged. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 12

Why were the hearts of the Bani Israel hardened ? Choose the Right Answer
  • Their attitude towards their Prophet was a careless
  • After witnessing the dead man brought back to life , it didn't make them repent and turn to Allah
  • They didn't reflect on the Taurah instead objected and questioned the commands of Allah

Question 13

What are the types of rocks mentioned in Ayah 74 ?
  • Soms Rocks from which rivers gush out
  • Rocks which when break, water comes out of them
  • Some Rocks which fall down with the fear of Allah

Question 14

What do we learn from Ayah 74 Choose the Right Answer
  • Like the 1st rocks some people have the ability to do a lot of good deeds and thus benefit a lot of people through their good deeds
  • Like the 2nd rock some people are able to do only a few good deeds
  • The 3rd rock, such people if required let go of their ego, fall down in humility for the sake of Allaah

Question 15

It is wajib to give sadaqa for all the 360 joints present in our body everyday. (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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