Applying the 7 key questions to a Literary non-fiction text


A series of questions to help learners understand how to apply the 7 key questions taught during the video lesson on literary non-fiction text.
Sarah Holmes
Quiz by Sarah Holmes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Created by Sarah Holmes almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What form of literary non-fiction text is Into the Dark?
  • Autobiography
  • Biography
  • Travel writing

Question 2

Drag and drop the annotations to the correct places to show the narrative viewpoint and how the events narrated relate to the author himself.
  • First person
  • Second person
  • Third person
  • 1st person collective to draw reader in
  • 2nd person to address reader directly
  • 3rd person to distance reader
  • Past tense = retrospective
  • Present tense = happening now
  • Future tense = predicting the future
  • Outside of his prior experience
  • Familiar to him
  • Unusual but recognisable
  • Modal verb shows nothing else to do
  • Active verb shows him staying active
  • Passive verb shows he had given up
  • Establishes routine to stay sane
  • Resists enforced routine
  • Lack of routine = unsettling
  • Maintains standards = civilised
  • Lack of standards = uncivilsed
  • Reminders of home = important
  • Reminders of home = painful
  • Superstition sets in
  • Irrational fear
  • Tries to retain some power
  • Submits to the power of captives

Question 3

What impression is created of Brian Keenan in this extract?
  • He remains dignified and does not give up when imprisoned.
  • He tries but fails to retain his dignity when imprisoned.
  • He fights back against his captors.
  • He simply accepts his fate and gives up, waiting to be rescued.

Question 4

Whilst imprisoned, Keenan thought he might be killed by his captors.
  • True
  • False

Question 5

Choose from the drop-down menus to annotate the text to show how language is being used for effect in this extract.
  • Collective pronouns include reader
  • 3rd person pronoun distances reader
  • direct address via 2nd person pronouns
  • Emphatic language
  • Emotive language
  • Hyperbolic language
  • Invites reader to particpate
  • Tells reader what to think
  • Patronises reader
  • Adverbs connote carelessness
  • Adjectives connote carelessness
  • Prepositions connote carelessness
  • Repetition reflects monotony
  • Alliteration reflects monotony
  • Onomatopoeia reflects monotony
  • Modal verb connotes limited options
  • Imperative verb connotes limited options
  • Active verb connotes limited options
  • Figures connote confinement
  • Descriptions connote confinement
  • Nouns connote confinement
  • Complex sentence contradicts monotony
  • Compound sentence contradicts monotony
  • Simple sentence contradicts monotony
  • Three-part list for emphasis
  • Emotive language for emphasis
  • Emphatic language for emphasis
  • 2nd three-part list builds effect of 1st
  • 2nd three-part list contradicts 1st
  • 2nd three-part list same as 1st
  • Sensory language to engage reader
  • Emotive language to engage reader
  • Persuasive language to engage reader
  • Sibilance used to recreate sound
  • Personification used to recreate sound
  • Simile used to recreate sound
  • Onomatopoeia connotes awful reality
  • Onomatopoeia connotes violence
  • Onomatopoeia connotes status quo
  • Short sentence connotes secrecy
  • Short sentence connotes openness
  • Short sentence connotes hatred
  • Emphatic language connotes importance
  • Hyperbolic language connotes importance
  • Emotive language connotes importance
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