Debtor-Creditor Relationships


Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Quiz by jagdishlehal88, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jagdishlehal88 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The federal 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act modified the so-called “homestead” exemptions utilized under state law in certain states. Generally, these exemptions allowed the debtor to protect equity in their home from creditors. Which of the following best reflect the effect of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act upon “homestead exemptions”? I. The debtor must have lived in or had been domiciled in the state for six months. II. Using federal bankruptcy law to override state law, the maximum amount ever shielded from creditors is $155,675 (excluding equity from a prior sale of a previous principal residence that is located in the same state, was lived in for five years, and was rolled into the subject home's equity). III. If the debtor was involved in any federal or state securities law violations or certain criminal acts within the past five years, there is no exemption regardless of the residency or domiciliary status of the debtor.
  • A. Item I only
  • B. Item II only
  • C. Item III only
  • D. Items I, II, and III

Question 2

Chapter 11 bankruptcy was revised under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act. Some of the more material changes and additions include: I. confirmation of a Chapter 11 plan of reorganization does not discharge an individual debtor. II. the court can no longer use a “cram down” provision. III. individual debtors must use assets acquired after the petition was filed as necessary in the reorganization plan. IV. individuals are not allowed to use Chapter 11 and must instead rely upon Chapter 13. V.
  • A. I and III only
  • B. I and II only
  • C. II and III only
  • D. II and IV only

Question 3

Which of the following is not a required element of a “fraudulent transfer” under the Bankruptcy Code?
  • A. The transaction must have occurred within two years of the date of bankruptcy.
  • B. The purchaser must have been aware of the insolvency of the transferor.
  • C. The asset must have been transferred for less than fair value.
  • D. The transferor must have been insolvent at the time of the transfer.

Question 4

Deft, CPA, is an unsecured creditor of Golf Co. for $16,000. Golf has a total of 10 creditors, all of whom are unsecured. Golf has not paid any of the creditors for three months. Under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, which of the following statements is ?
  • A. Golf may not be petitioned involuntarily into bankruptcy because there are less than 12 unsecured creditors.
  • B. Golf may not be petitioned involuntarily into bankruptcy under the provisions of Chapter 11.
  • C. Three unsecured creditors must join in the involuntary petition in bankruptcy.
  • D. Deft may file an involuntary petition in bankruptcy against Golf.

Question 5

Which of the following statements is with respect to the reorganization provisions of Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code?
  • A. A trustee must always be appointed.
  • B. The debtor must be insolvent if the bankruptcy petition was filed voluntarily.
  • C. A reorganization plan may be filed by a creditor any time after the petition date.
  • D. The commencement of a bankruptcy case may be voluntary or involuntary.

Question 6

The filing of an involuntary bankruptcy petition under the Federal Bankruptcy Code:
  • A. terminates liens on exempt property.
  • B. terminates all security interests in property in the bankruptcy estate.
  • C. stops the debtor from incurring new debts.
  • D. stops the enforcement of judgment liens against property, except IRS, in the bankruptcy estate.

Question 7

Under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, which of the following statements applies to a person who has voluntarily filed for and received a discharge in bankruptcy?
  • A. The person will be discharged from all debts.
  • B. The person can obtain another voluntary discharge in bankruptcy under Chapter 7 after three years have elapsed from the date of the prior filing.
  • C. The person must surrender for distribution to the creditors amounts received as an inheritance, if the receipt occurs within 180 days after filing the bankruptcy petition.
  • D. The person is precluded from owning or operating a similar business for two years.

Question 8

Under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, certain property acquired by the debtor after the filing of the petition becomes part of the bankruptcy estate. An example of such property is:
  • A. municipal bond interest received by the debtor within 180 days after the filing of the petition.
  • B. alimony received by the debtor within one year after the filing of the petition.
  • C. Social Security payments received by the debtor within 180 days after the filing of the petition.
  • D. gifts received by the debtor within one year after the filing of the petition.

Question 9

A party involuntarily petitioned into bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code who succeeds in having the petition dismissed could recover:
  • A. court costs and attorney's fees, compensatory damages, and punitive damages.
  • B. court costs and attorney's fees, and compensatory damages.
  • C. compensatory damages and punitive damages.
  • D. court costs and attorney's fees.

Question 10

A family farmer with regular annual income may file a voluntary petition for bankruptcy under any of the following Chapters of the Federal Bankruptcy Code except:
  • A. 7.
  • B. 9.
  • C. 11.
  • D. 13.

Question 11

An attorney representing a debtor under Chapter 7 has the following (non-inclusive) obligations under the Bankruptcy Code: I. The attorney must reasonably attempt to guide the debtor to a reorganization style of bankruptcy (Chapter 11 or 13). II. The attorney must file an affidavit noting the attorney has informed the debtor/client of the different forms of bankruptcy relief available under the Bankruptcy Code. III. The attorney must agree to reduced legal rates for Chapter 7 versus Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings. IV. The attorney must attempt to reasonably verify the accuracy of an individual debtor's supporting schedules (including debts and resources) and bankruptcy petition.
  • A. I and III
  • B. II, III, and IV
  • C. I, II, and IV
  • D. II and IV

Question 12

Under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, which of the following rights or powers does a trustee Bankruptcy not have?
  • A. The power to prevail against a creditor with an unperfected security interest
  • B. The power to require persons holding the debtor's property at the time the bankruptcy petition is filed to deliver the property to the trustee
  • C. The right to use any grounds available to the debtor to obtain the return of the debtor's property
  • D. The right to avoid any statutory liens against the debtor's property that were effective before the bankruptcy petition was filed

Question 13

Under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, which of the following would not be eligible for reorganization? A. Retail sole proprietorship
  • A. Retail sole proprietorship
  • B. Advertising partnership
  • C. CPA professional corporation
  • D. Savings and loan corporation

Question 14

Under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, a debtor will be denied a discharge Bankruptcy if a debtor:
  • A. fails to list a creditor.
  • B. owes alimony and support payments.
  • C. cannot pay administration expenses.
  • D. refuses to satisfactorily explaA loss of assets.

Question 15

Which of the following types of debtor are not eligible for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code?
  • A. Individuals
  • B. Railroads
  • C. Airlines
  • D. Stockbrokers

Question 16

Which of the following claims will not be discharged Bankruptcy?
  • A. A claim that arises from alimony or maintenance
  • B. A claim that arises out of the debtor's breach of a contract
  • C. A claim brought by a secured creditor that remains unsatisfied after the sale of the collateral
  • D. A claim brought by a judgment creditor whose judgment resulted from the debtor's non-intoxicated negligent operation of a motor vehicle

Question 17

Which of the following transfers by a debtor, within 90 days of filing for bankruptcy, could be set aside as a preferential payment?
  • A. Making a gift to charity
  • B. Paying a business utility bill
  • C. Borrowing money from a bank secured by giving a mortgage on business property
  • D. Prepaying an installment loan on inventory

Question 18

To file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, an individual must:
  • A. have debts of any amount.
  • B. be insolvent.
  • C. be indebted to more than three creditors.
  • D. have debts in excess of $15,325.

Question 19

Green owes unsecured creditors: Rice, $5,000; Vick, $3,000; Young, $7,500; and Zinc, $2,750. Green has not paid any creditor since January 1, 20X1. On March 15, 20X1, Green's sole asset, a cabCruiser, was seized by Xeno Marine Co., the holder of a perfected security interest in the boat. On July 1, 20X1, Rice, Vick, and Young petitioned Green into involuntary bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. If Green opposes the involuntary petition, the petition will be:
  • A. upheld, because the 3 filing creditors are owed more than $15,325.
  • B. upheld, because 1 creditor is owed more than $12,300.
  • C. dismissed, because there are less than 12 creditors.
  • D. dismissed, because the boat was seized more than 90 days before the filing.

Question 20

Before a person may file a petition for voluntary bankruptcy under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, the petitioner must: I. receive credit counseling from an approved for-profit credit counseling agency. II. receive credit counseling within 180 days preceding the filing. III. provide a certificate of receiving a group or individual briefing by an approved credit agency within the last 180 days to the court.
  • B. I and II only
  • C. I only
  • D. II and III only
  • A. I, II, and III

Question 21

On June 5, 20X1, Gold rented equipment under a 4-year lease. On March 8, 20X2, Gold was petitioned involuntarily into bankruptcy under the Federal Bankruptcy Code's liquidation provisions. A trustee was appointed. The fair market value of the equipment exceeds the balance of the lease payments due. The trustee:
  • A. may not reject the equipment lease because the fair market value of the equipment exceeds the balance of the lease payments due.
  • B. may elect not to assume the equipment lease.
  • C. must assume the equipment lease because its term exceeds one year.
  • D. must assume and subsequently assign the equipment lease.

Question 22

By signing a reaffirmation agreement on April 15, 20X1, a debtor agreed to pay certain debts that would be discharged Bankruptcy. On June 20, 20X1, the debtor's attorney filed the reaffirmation agreement and an affidavit with the court indicating that the debtor understood the consequences of the reaffirmation agreement. The debtor obtained a discharge on August 25, 20X1. The reaffirmation agreement would be enforceable only if it was:
  • A. made after discharge.
  • B. approved by the bankruptcy court.
  • C. not for a household purpose debt.
  • D. not rescinded before discharge.

Question 23

Under Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, what effect does a bankruptcy discharge have on a judgment creditor when there is no bankruptcy estate?
  • A. The judgment creditor's claim is nondischargeable.
  • B. The judgment creditor retains a statutory lien against the debtor.
  • C. The debtor is relieved of any personal liability to the judgment creditor.
  • D. The debtor is required to pay a liquidated amount to vacate the judgment.

Question 24

On May 1, Year 5, two months after becoming insolvent, Quick Corp., an appliance wholesaler, filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy under the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. On October 15, Year 4, Quick’s board of directors had authorized and paid Erly $50,000 to repay Erly’s April 1, Year 4, loan to the corporation. Erly is a sibling of Quick’s president. On March 15, Year 5, Quick paid Kray $100,000 for inven¬tory delivered that day. Quick’s payment to Kray would:
  • A. not be voidable, because it was a contemporaneous exchange.
  • B. not be voidable, unless Kray knew about Quick’s insolvency.
  • C. be voidable, because it was made within 90 days of the bankruptcy filing.
  • D. be voidable, because it enabled Kray to receive more than it otherwise would receive from the bankruptcy estate.

Question 25

White, who owned a small business that operated as a sole proprietorship, filed for bankruptcy on October 1, 20X1. Among his creditors was his sole employee, who was owed $3,000 for wages earned within the previous two months ($1,500 each month). In this case, the employee is:
  • A. a priority creditor in the amount of $1,500.
  • B. a priority creditor in the amount of $2,000.
  • C. a priority creditor in the amount of $3,000.
  • D. not a priority creditor.

Question 26

Under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, the clerk of the bankruptcy court must provide a consumer-debtor with which of the following materials or services?
  • A. Written notice of the costs, purpose, and benefits of each form of bankruptcy
  • B. A class dealing with credit counseling and debt management
  • C. Written notice of the costs, purpose, and benefits of each form of bankruptcy and a class dealing with credit counseling and debt management
  • D. Nothing; this provision of material requirement is the responsibility of the debtor's attorney.

Question 27

Strong Corp. filed a voluntary petition Bankruptcy under the reorganization provisions of Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. A reorganization plan was filed and agreed to by all necessary parties. The court confirmed the plan, and a final decree was entered. Which of the following statements best describes the effect of the entry of the court's final decree?
  • A. Strong Corp. will be discharged from all its debts and liabilities.
  • B. Strong Corp. will be discharged only from the debts owed creditors who agreed to the reorganization plan.
  • C. Strong Corp. will be discharged from all its debts and liabilities that arose before the date of confirmation of the plan.
  • D. Strong Corp. will be discharged from all its debts and liabilities that arose before the confirmation of the plan, except as otherwise provided in the plan, the order of confirmation, or the Bankruptcy Code.

Question 28

Which of the following conditions, if any, must a debtor meet to file a voluntary bankruptcy petition under Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code? I. Insolvency II. Three or more creditors III. Pre-petition credit counseling
  • A. I and II
  • B. I only
  • C. II only
  • D. III only

Question 29

There are items that cannot be taken control of by the bankruptcy trustee. These items are often known as exempt property. The 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act tightened up the exemption of “household goods and furnishings” by specifically excluding which of the following from the “household goods and furnishings” term? I. Works of art, such as paintings and sculptures II. Antiques in the home valued over $650 III. Wedding rings IV. Lawn mowers, tractors, and similar yard items
  • A. I only
  • B. II only
  • C. III only
  • D. I, II, and IV only

Question 30

A reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code requires all of the following, except the:
  • A. liquidation of the debtor.
  • B. filing of a reorganization plan.
  • C. confirmation of the reorganization plan by the court.
  • D. opportunity for each class of claims to accept the reorganization plan.

Question 31

A voluntary petition for bankruptcy relief may be dismissed by the court if the debtor: I. fails to provide necessary documents within the specified time period. II. was convicted of a drug trafficking offense or a violent crime and the victim files a motion to dismiss the petition. III. has income over the average median family income of the state where the petition is filed. IV. fails to pay post-petition child support or alimony payments.
  • A. I, II, and IV only
  • B. II, III, and IV only
  • C. I, III, and IV only
  • D. I, II, III, and IV

Question 32

Under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, certain property acquired by the debtor after the filing of the petition becomes part of the bankruptcy estate. An example of such property is:
  • A. inheritances received by the debtor within 180 days after the filing of the petition.
  • B. child support payments received by the debtor within one year after the filing of the petition.
  • C. Social Security payments received by the debtor within 180 days after the filing of the petition.
  • D. wages earned by the debtor within one year after the filing of the petition.

Question 33

In general, which of the following debts will be discharged under the voluntary liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code?
  • A. A debt due to the negligence of the debtor arising before filing the bankruptcy petition
  • B. Alimony payments owed the debtor’s spouse under a separation agreement entered into two years before the filing of the bankruptcy petition
  • C. A debt incurred more than 90 days before the filing of the bankruptcy petition and not disclosed in the petition
  • D. Income taxes due within two years before the filing of the bankruptcy petition

Question 34

Which of the following statements is concerning the voluntary filing of a petition Bankruptcy?
  • A. If the debtor has 12 or more creditors, the unsecured claims must total at least $15,325.
  • B. The debtor must be insolvent.
  • C. If the debtor has less than 12 creditors, the unsecured claims must total at least $15,325.
  • D. The petition may be filed jointly by spouses.

Question 35

On May 1, Year 5, two months after becoming insolvent, Quick Corp., an appliance wholesaler, filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy under the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. On October 15, Year 4, Quick’s board of directors had authorized and paid Erly $50,000 to repay Erly’s April 1, Year 4, loan to the corporation. Erly is a sibling of Quick’s president. On March 15, Year 5, Quick paid Kray $100,000 for inven¬tory delivered that day. Which of the following is not relevant in determining whether the repayment of Erly’s loan is a voidable preferential transfer?
  • A. Erly is an insider.
  • B. Quick’s payment to Erly was made on account of an antecedent debt.
  • C. Quick’s solvency when the loan was made by Erly
  • D. Quick’s payment to Erly was made within one year of the filing of the bankruptcy petition.

Question 36

On May 1, Year 5, two months after becoming insolvent, Quick Corp., an appliance wholesaler, filed a voluntary petition for bankruptcy under the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. On October 15, Year 4, Quick’s board of directors had authorized and paid Erly $50,000 to repay Erly’s April 1, Year 4, loan to the corporation. Erly is a sibling of Quick’s president. On March 15, Year 5, Quick paid Kray $100,000 for inven¬tory delivered that day. Which of the following is not relevant in determining whether the repayment of Erly’s loan is a voidable preferential transfer?
  • A. Erly is an insider.
  • B. Quick’s payment to Erly was made on account of an antecedent debt.
  • C. Quick’s solvency when the loan was made by Erly
  • D. Quick’s payment to Erly was made within one year of the filing of the bankruptcy petition.

Question 37

Under the reorganization provisions of Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, after a reorganization plan is confirmed and a final decree closing the proceedings entered, which of the following events usually occurs?
  • A. A reorganized corporate debtor will be liquidated.
  • B. A reorganized corporate debtor will be discharged from all debts except as otherwise provided in the plan and applicable law.
  • D. A reorganized individual debtor will not be allowed to continue in the same business.
  • C. A trustee will continue to operate the debtor's business.

Question 38

RobCorp. incurred substantial operating losses for the past three years. Unable to meet its current obligations, Robin filed a petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. Which of the following statements is ?
  • B. The reorganization plan may only be filed by Robin.
  • A. The creditors' committee must select a trustee to manage Robin's affairs.
  • D. Robin may continue Business only with the approval of a trustee.
  • C. A creditors' committee, if appointed, will consist of unsecured creditors.

Question 39

An individual client asks a CPA to determine whether the client is solvent for federal tax purposes. The client has assets consisting of cash and marketable securities with a basis of $250,000 and a fair market value of $155,000. The client has liabilities of $175,000, which include $130,000 of nondischargeable liabilities under the Bankruptcy Code. Which of the following statements is ?
  • A. The client is insolvent since the client's liabilities exceed the fair market value of the client's assets by $20,000.
  • B. The CPA is unable to determine whether the client is solvent or insolvent because the CPA is not an accredited appraiser.
  • C. The client is solvent because the fair market value of the client's assets exceeds the client's nondischargeable debt by $25,000.
  • D. The client is solvent because the basis of the client's assets totals $250,000 and exceeds the client's liabilities by $75,000.

Question 40

On April 1, Roe borrowed $100,000 from Jet to pay Roe's business expenses. On June 15, Roe gave Jet a signed security agreement and financing statement covering Roe's inventory. Jet immediately filed the financing statement. On July 1, Roe filed for bankruptcy. Under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, can Roe's trustee Bankruptcy set aside Jet's security interest in Roe's inventory?
  • A. Yes, because a security agreement may only cover goods actually purchased with the borrowed funds
  • B. Yes, because Roe giving the security interest to Jet created a voidable preference
  • C. No, because the security interest was perfected before Roe filed for bankruptcy
  • D. No, because the loan proceeds were used for Roe's business

Question 41

Which of the following types of claims would be paid first in the distribution of a bankruptcy estate under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code if the petition was filed July 15, 20X1?
  • A. A secured debt properly perfected on March 20, 20X1
  • B. Inventory purchased and delivered August 1, 20X1
  • C. Employee wages due April 30, 20X1
  • D. Federal tax lien filed June 30, 20X1

Question 42

In his bankruptcy petition, Minton listed (among others) the following creditors: the Internal Revenue Service for back taxes from the previous year, First Bank for an unsecured loan used to purchase household furniture, Dr. Richard Jones for medical services rendered within the previous year, and Alice Minton for unpaid alimony for the previous year. Of the four creditors listed, which would be given the highest priority A bankruptcy proceeding?
  • A. The IRS
  • B. First Bank
  • C. Dr. Jones
  • D. Alice Minton

Question 43

Which of the following acts by a debtor could result A bankruptcy court revoking the debtor's discharge? I. Failure to list one creditor II. Failure to ly answer material questions on the bankruptcy petition
  • A. I only
  • B. II only
  • C. Both I and II
  • D. Neither I nor II

Question 44

Under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, certaChanges were made to Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. Consider the following items and determine which are applicable to Chapter 7 bankruptcy: I. Consumer debts for more than $650 for luxury goods or services provided within 90 days of the order of relief may be discharged. II. Cash advances totaling more than $925 from a credit card obtained within 70 days of the order may not be discharged, subject to a rebuttable presumption. III. An unsecured claim is now allowed for death resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle while the debtor was under drug or alcohol influence. IV. Penalties resulting from federal election law penalties remain dischargeable.
  • A. II, III, and IV
  • B. II and III
  • C. I, III, and IV
  • D. I, II, and IV

Question 45

On February 28, Master, Inc., had total assets with a fair market value of $1,200,000 and total liabilities of $990,000. On January 15, Master made a monthly installment note payment to Acme Distributors Corp., a creditor holding a properly perfected security interest in equipment having a fair market value greater than the balance due on the note. On March 15, Master voluntarily filed a petition Bankruptcy under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code. One year later, the equipment was sold for less than the balance due on the note to Acme. Master’s payment to Acme could:
  • A. be set aside as a preferential transfer because the fair market value of the collateral was greater than the installment note balance.
  • B. be set aside as a preferential transfer unless Acme showed that Master was solvent on January 15.
  • C. not be set aside as a preferential transfer because Acme was oversecured.
  • D. not be set aside as a preferential transfer if Acme showed that Master was solvent on March 15.

Question 46

Creditors of Walters filed an involuntary petition of bankruptcy on May 15, 20XX. After all nonexempt property was sold and secured creditors paid, there remained $6,000 to pay other creditors. Walters' other creditors consisted of the following: trustee ($4,000), attorney for the petitioner ($4,000), accountant for the estate ($2,000), and other general creditors ($10,000). Under the federal system of priorities, what is the amount that will be received by the accountant for the estate?
  • A. $0
  • B. $1,200
  • C. $1,500
  • D. $2,000

Question 47

Flax, a sole proprietor, has been petitioned involuntarily into bankruptcy under the Federal Bankruptcy Code’s liquidation provisions. Simon & Co., CPAs, has been appointed trustee of the bankruptcy estate. If Simon also wishes to act as the tax return preparer for the estate, which of the following statements is ?
  • A. Simon is prohibited from serving as both trustee and preparer under any circumstances because serving in that dual capacity would be a conflict of interest.
  • B. Although Simon may serve as both trustee and preparer, it is entitled to receive a fee only for the services rendered as a preparer.
  • C. Simon may employ itself to prepare tax returns if authorized by the court and may receive a separate fee for services rendered in each capacity.
  • D. Although Simon may serve as both trustee and preparer, its fee for services rendered in each capacity will be determined solely by the size of the estate.

Question 48

Chapter 13 bankruptcy was revised under the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act. Some of the more material changes and additions include: I. the repayment period cannot exceed five years; the time period is based on the family income as computed. II. the confirmation of the plan must result A hearing no sooner than 20 days or more than 45 days after the meeting with the creditors. III. when considering disposable income of the debtor, the Bankruptcy Code excludes up to 15% of the debtor's gross income for charitable contributions. IV. when considering disposable income of the debtor, reasonable costs of health insurance for the debtor and the debtor's family may be considered.
  • A. I only
  • B. I and II only
  • C. I, II, and III only
  • D. I, II, III, and IV

Question 49

Hall, CPA, is an unsecured creditor of Tree Co. for $16,000. Tree has a total of 10 creditors, all of whom are unsecured. Tree has not paid any of the creditors for three months. Under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, which of the following statements is ? In
  • A. Hall and two other unsecured creditors must join in the involuntary petition Bankruptcy.
  • B. Hall may file an involuntary petition Bankruptcy against Tree.
  • C. Tree may not be petitioned involuntarily into bankruptcy under the provisions of Chapter 11.
  • D. Tree may not be petitioned involuntarily into bankruptcy because there are less than 12 unsecured creditors.

Question 50

Douglas filed a voluntary bankruptcy on November 1, 20XX. For over a year prior to that time, Douglas had been considered insolvent in the bankruptcy sense. Which of the following would be considered a “preference” payment under bankruptcy law?
  • A. October 1, 20XX—Payment of $1,000 to a secured creditor on an overdue obligation (total obligation: $2,000)
  • B. September 1, 20XX—Purchase of a washer-dryer for $1,200 cash
  • C. May 1, 20XX—Payment to Douglas' brother of $2,000 on an overdue unsecured loan
  • D. March 1, 20XX—Payment of $500 to First Bank on an overdue unsecured loan
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