Taleem Quran Weekly Quiz 17


Lec By Sis Taymiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

How many years did the Bani Israel stay in the desert?
  • 44 years
  • 40 years
  • 4 years
  • 42 years

Question 2

What were some of the miracles performed through Musa's (as) staff? Name any 2.
  • The sea parted when he struck his staff.
  • 12 springs gushed forth when he struck his staff on the rock.
  • 7 springs gushed forth when he struck his staff on the rock.
  • His staff turned into a huge serpent and swallowed the scorpions of all the magicians.

Question 3

What were the Bani Israel commanded by Allah to do in Verse 60?
  • To eat and drink of what they were provided and to create fasad in the land.
  • To eat and drink of what they were provided and to not create fasad in the land.
  • To eat and drink of what they were provided and to not create peace in the land.

Question 4

Ta'athu means to create fasad speedily/to be quick to make mischief. True/False?
  • True
  • False

Question 5

What should we do with Allah SWT's blessings?
  • We should use his blessings by doing israaf or abusing them and ungrateful for every single blessing and we should not ask Allah swt for everything, even if they may seem easy to do on our own.
  • We should use his blessings without doing israaf or abusing them and be grateful for every single blessing and we should ask Allah swt for everything, even if they may seem easy to do on our own.

Question 6

Baqal are all leaf greens whose stem and leaf can't be eaten together. True/False?
  • True
  • False

Question 7

How did Bani Israel draw the wrath of Allah swt on themselves? Mentioned any 3.
  • By crossing limits of bounds.
  • By believing in the ayats of Allah swt.
  • By disbelieving in the ayats of Allah swt.
  • By killing their prophets wrongfully.

Question 8

Zillah is humiliation that [blank_start]a person brings on himself.[blank_end]
  • a person brings on himself.
  • a person brings to others.

Question 9

Khawf is grief over the past and Huzn is fear of the future. True/false?
  • True
  • False

Question 10

Not all of the Bani Israel went astray. Which ayah shows that?
  • Ayah 60
  • Ayah 62
  • Ayah 61
  • Ayah 59
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