
ICFES/Saber 11 Inglés (EXAM # 2) Quiz on ENGLISH EXAM #2, created by franzmontejo1 on 13/03/2016.
Quiz by franzmontejo1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by franzmontejo1 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

He _________ at McDonald’s last year.
  • worked
  • works
  • work
  • working

Question 2

This year, he and his brother ___________ at Burger King.
  • worked
  • works
  • work
  • working

Question 3

There _________ a book on the desk a minute ago, but somebody picked it up.
  • is
  • was
  • are
  • were

Question 4

Last night I _________ my guitar loudly and the neighbors _____________.
  • play, complain
  • played, complaining
  • played, complain
  • played, complained

Question 5

________ he ___________ any italian when he _________ in Italy two years ago?
  • Do, learn, was
  • Did, learn, was
  • Does, learn, was
  • Do, learned, is
  • Did, learned, is
  • Does, learned, were

Question 6

Juana _____________ in New York for 7 weeks.
  • live
  • living
  • lived
  • lives

Question 7

We _________________ each other since we ________ babies.
  • know, are
  • knew, were
  • knows, are
  • knowed, were

Question 8

Who is __________ so loudly while i´m trying to sleep?
  • sing
  • sang
  • singing
  • sings
  • singed

Question 9

It _________ in January and March.
  • is raining
  • isn´t rain
  • was rained
  • was rain

Question 10

I [blank_start]______[blank_end] tired this morning.
  • was
  • were

Question 11

We [blank_start]talked[blank_end] on the phone all night long.
  • talk
  • talking
  • talked
  • talks

Question 12

She [blank_start]thinks[blank_end] that her letter was lost in the post.
  • think
  • thinks
  • thinked
  • thinking

Question 13

They [blank_start]were not[blank_end] at the party.
  • were´nt
  • didn´t
  • wasn´t
  • weren´t
  • was´nt

Question 14

A: I [blank_start]went[blank_end] (go) to the cinema last night. B: What film [blank_start]did you see[blank_end] (you-see)? A: I [blank_start]saw[blank_end] (see) "The Lord of The Rings". B: Really? [blank_start]Did you like[blank_end] (you-like) it? A: It [blank_start]was[blank_end] (be) fantastic. I [blank_start]think[blank_end] (think) you should go and see it. B: You know, I never [blank_start]go[blank_end] (go) to the cinema , I [blank_start]prefer[blank_end] (prefer) to read a book ; I [blank_start]read[blank_end] (read) a romantic story last week, and yesterday, I [blank_start]went[blank_end] (go) to the opera.
  • went
  • did you see
  • saw
  • Did you like
  • was
  • think
  • go
  • prefer
  • read
  • went

Question 15

Every culture [blank_start]has[blank_end] its own rules about what to do and say. [blank_start]Sometimes[blank_end] in the same culture there are different rules. Greetings [blank_start]are not[blank_end] just words. The way people use their bodies also varies from culture to culture. [blank_start]Do[blank_end] they shake hands or bow their heads? Do they touch the other person or not? In Japan, people bow with their heads. In India, people [blank_start]put[blank_end] their hands together on their chest and bow. The traditional greeting for the people of Tahiti and Maoris of New Zealand [blank_start]is[blank_end] to press noses together.
  • has
  • Sometimes
  • are not
  • is not
  • Do
  • Does
  • puts
  • put
  • did
  • is
  • are
  • does
  • have
  • had

Question 16

Jmaes Coook [blank_start]was[blank_end] the son of a poor English farmworker. When he [blank_start]was[blank_end] young, he [blank_start]left[blank_end] home and [blank_start]became[blank_end] a sailor. He [blank_start]studied[blank_end] mathematics and astronomy and became and expert mapmaker. In 1768, Cook [blank_start]sailed[blank_end] on a ship, the Endeavour, to the island of Tahiti in the Pacific Ocean. Cook [blank_start]took[blank_end] scientists and artists with him on the voyage. When they reached Tahiti, they [blank_start]collected[blank_end] plants and animals and drew them.
  • were
  • was
  • was
  • were
  • leave
  • let
  • left
  • becaming
  • become
  • became
  • becomed
  • studieft
  • studying
  • study
  • studied
  • soiling
  • soiled
  • sail
  • sailing
  • sailed
  • taken
  • took
  • take
  • taked
  • colected
  • collects
  • collected
  • collecting

Question 17

PRESENT TENSE: Manuela [blank_start]walks[blank_end] to the store. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE: Manuela [blank_start]is walking[blank_end] to the store PAST TENSE: Manuela [blank_start]walked[blank_end] to the store.
  • walks
  • is walking
  • walked
  • is walked
  • was walked
  • is walks
  • walk

Question 18

Who is he? Where does he live? What does he do? Robert Hughes lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives with his wife, Patricia. They live with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert loves his family. Robert works as a police officer in Atlanta. He likes his job. He is a good police officer. Robert is a police officer because he likes to help people. Robert protects the citizens of Atlanta. He solves crimes and catches criminals. He keeps the citizens safe. Sometimes he visits the schools. He talks to students. The students like Robert. Officer Robert Hughes is a hero in Atlanta. Who [blank_start]was[blank_end] he? Where [blank_start]did[blank_end] he [blank_start]live[blank_end]? What [blank_start]did[blank_end] he [blank_start]do[blank_end]? Robert Hughes [blank_start]lived[blank_end] in Atlanta, Georgia. He [blank_start]lived[blank_end] with his wife, Patricia. They [blank_start]lived[blank_end] with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert [blank_start]loved[blank_end] his family. Robert [blank_start]worked[blank_end] as a police officer in Atlanta. He [blank_start]liked[blank_end] his job. He [blank_start]was[blank_end] a good police officer. Robert [blank_start]was[blank_end] a police officer because he [blank_start]liked[blank_end] to help people. Robert [blank_start]protected[blank_end] the citizens of Atlanta. He [blank_start]solved[blank_end] crimes and catched criminals. He [blank_start]kept[blank_end] the citizens safe. Sometimes he [blank_start]visited[blank_end] the schools. He [blank_start]talked[blank_end] to students. The students [blank_start]liked[blank_end] Robert. Officer Robert Hughes [blank_start]was[blank_end] a hero in Atlanta.
  • was
  • did
  • live
  • did
  • do
  • lived
  • lived
  • lived
  • loved
  • worked
  • liked
  • was
  • was
  • liked
  • protected
  • solved
  • kept
  • visited
  • talked
  • liked
  • was

Question 19

Who was he? Where did he live? What did he do? Robert Hughes lived in Atlanta, Georgia. He lived with his wife, Patricia. They lived with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert loved his family. Robert worked as a police officer in Atlanta. He liked his job. He was a good police officer. Robert was a police officer because he liked to help people. Robert protected the citizens of Atlanta. He solved crimes and catched criminals. He kept the citizens safe. Sometimes he visited the schools. He talked to students. The students liked Robert. Officer Robert Hughes was a hero in Atlanta. Who [blank_start]is[blank_end] he? Where [blank_start]does[blank_end] he [blank_start]live[blank_end]? What [blank_start]does[blank_end] he [blank_start]do[blank_end]? Robert Hughes [blank_start]lives[blank_end] in Atlanta, Georgia. He [blank_start]lives[blank_end] with his wife, Patricia. They [blank_start]live[blank_end] with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert [blank_start]loves[blank_end] his family. Robert [blank_start]works[blank_end] as a police officer in Atlanta. He [blank_start]likes[blank_end] his job. He [blank_start]is[blank_end] a good police officer. Robert [blank_start]is[blank_end] a police officer because he [blank_start]likes[blank_end] to help people. Robert [blank_start]protects[blank_end] the citizens of Atlanta. He [blank_start]solves[blank_end] crimes and catches criminals. He [blank_start]keeps[blank_end] the citizens safe.+ Sometimes he [blank_start]visits[blank_end] the schools. He [blank_start]talks[blank_end] to students. The students [blank_start]like[blank_end] Robert. Officer Robert Hughes [blank_start]is[blank_end] a hero in Atlanta.
  • is
  • does
  • live
  • does
  • do
  • lives
  • lives
  • live
  • is
  • loves
  • works
  • likes
  • is
  • likes
  • protects
  • solves
  • keeps
  • talks
  • visits
  • like
  • is

Question 20

What season is this?

Question 21

I [blank_start]am[blank_end] (be) very upset right know, because, I just [blank_start]remembered[blank_end] (remember) that last week, my friends [blank_start]went[blank_end] (go) without me to Shangai. They [blank_start]visited[blank_end] (visit) the Gembira Loka Zoo. They [blank_start]saw[blank_end] (see) many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, snakes, crocodiles, etc. When they [blank_start]were[blank_end] (be) there, they didn´t even [blank_start]send[blank_end] (not even send) me a picture of the place, and they [blank_start]know[blank_end] (know) I [blank_start]am[blank_end] (be) totally an animal lover. That [blank_start]was[blank_end] (be) what [blank_start]hurted[blank_end] (hurt) me the most.
  • was
  • hurted
  • am
  • went
  • visited
  • were
  • saw
  • remembered
  • am
  • know
  • send
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