Astronomy 103 Exam 2


Chapters 6-9
Natalie Balzert
Quiz by Natalie Balzert, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Natalie Balzert
Created by Natalie Balzert over 8 years ago
Natalie Balzert
Copied by Natalie Balzert over 8 years ago
Natalie Balzert
Copied by Natalie Balzert over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following was NOT discovered by Galileo using a telescope?
  • The Moon has heavily cratered surface.
  • Jupiter has four moons that orbit around it.
  • Mars has a polar ice cap similar to the Earth.
  • The planet Venus goes through phases similar to those of the Moon.
  • The Milky Way is a collection of countless number of individual stars.

Question 2

The magnification of a telescope depends on the focal length of the telescope and:
  • The size of the aperture.
  • The type of telescope (refracting vs. reflecting).
  • The wavelengths being observed.
  • The focal length of the eyepiece.
  • The angular resolution of the telescope.

Question 3

Why can you see fainter stars with an 8-inch telescope than you can see with your naked eye?
  • The telescope collects light over a larger area.
  • The telescope magnifies the field of view.
  • The telescope collects light over a wider range of wavelength than your eye.
  • The telescope has a wider field of view.
  • The telescope has a longer integration time than your eyes.

Question 4

Why do reflecting telescopes usually have a secondary mirror in addition to a primary mirror?
  • To increase the light-gathering power.
  • To make the telescope shorter.
  • To increase the magnification.
  • To increase the focal length.
  • To combat chromatic aberration.

Question 5

A prism is able to spread white light out into a spectrum of colors based on the property of:
  • Reflection.
  • Refraction.
  • Magnification.
  • Resolution.
  • Aberration.

Question 6

How does the resolution of a telescope depend on its focal length?
  • The longer the focal length, the better the resolution.
  • The longer the focal length, the worse the resolution.
  • There is no relation between resolution and focal length.

Question 7

What part(s) of the human eye is responsible for detecting light?
  • Cornea
  • Lens
  • Pupil
  • Rods and cones
  • Iris

Question 8

Arrays of radio telescopes can produce much better resolution than single-dish telescopes because they work based on the principle of:
  • Reflection.
  • Refraction.
  • Dispersion.
  • Diffraction.
  • Interferometry.

Question 9

According to the conversation of angular momentum, if an ice skater stars spinning with her arms out wide, then slowly pulls them close to her body, this will cause her to:
  • Spin faster.
  • Spin slower.
  • Maintain a constant rate of spin.
  • Fall down.

Question 10

Whether or not a planet is composed mostly of rock or gas is set by:
  • Its mass.
  • Its temperature.
  • Its distance from the star when it formed.
  • A combination of all three of the above.

Question 11

Approximately how much mass was there in the protoplanetary disk out of which the planets formed, compared to the mass of the Sun.
  • 50 percent.
  • 25 percent.
  • 10 percent.
  • 5 percent.
  • < 1 percent.

Question 12

Consider four spheres of equal mass and size. Which has the most potential energy?
  • A sphere on the top shelf of a bookshelf.
  • A sphere rolling on the floor at the base of the bookshelf.
  • A sphere sitting at rest on the floor at the base of the bookshelf.
  • A sphere on the middle shelf of a bookshelf.
  • A sphere that fell from the top shelf to the floor.

Question 13

What happens to the kinetic energy of gas as it falls toward and eventually hits the accretion disk surrounding a protostar?
  • It is immediately converted into photons, giving off a flash of light upon impact.
  • It is converted into thermal energy, heating the disk.
  • It is converted into potential energy as the gas plows through the disk and comes out the other side.
  • It becomes the kinetic energy of the orbit of the gas in the accretion disk around the protostar.
  • It disappears into interstellar space.

Question 14

The solid form of a volatile material is generally referred to as a(n):
  • Metal.
  • Silicate.
  • Ice.
  • Rock.
  • Refractory material.

Question 15

The primary atmospheres of the planets are made mostly of:
  • Carbon and oxygen.
  • Hydrogen and helium.
  • Oxygen and nitrogen.
  • Iron and nickel.
  • Nitrogen and argon.

Question 16

What is the age of our Solar System?
  • 4.6 billion years.
  • 4.6 million years.
  • 13.7 trillion years.
  • 13.7 billion years.
  • 13.7 million years.

Question 17

Was it ever possible (or is it currently possible) for Jupiter to become a star?
  • Yes, it is in the process of becoming a star in the near future.
  • Yes, but it cooled off before it could become a star.
  • No, it would have to be at least 13 times more massive.
  • No, its composition is too different from stars for it to become one.
  • No, because he doesn't live in Hollywood.

Question 18

Comets and asteroids are:
  • Other names for moons of the planets.
  • Primarily located within 1 AU of the Sun.
  • All more massive than Earth's Moon.
  • Material left over from the formation of the planets.
  • Other names for meteors.

Question 19

What prevented the Moon from maintaining any atmosphere with which it originally formed?
  • It repeatedly collided with planetesimals.
  • It is too close to the Sun.
  • The solar wind blew it away.
  • It is not massive enough.
  • It is tidally locked Earth.

Question 20

The smallest number of craters per square meter are found on the surface of:
  • Mercury.
  • Mars.
  • Venus.
  • Earth.

Question 21

Compared to the dark-colored regions of the surface of the Moon, the light-colored regions are approximately:
  • 1 billion years older.
  • 1 billion years younger.
  • 1 million years older.
  • 1 million years younger.
  • A few thousand years younger.

Question 22

Studies of the amount of cratering at different locations on the Moon indicate that:
  • The rate of cratering in the Solar System has changed dramatically over time.
  • The younger lunar surfaces are hundreds of billions of years younger than the oldest surfaces.
  • The Moon has never been geologically active at any point in its history.
  • Most of the heavy cratering in the Solar System occurred before Earth formed.
  • That cratering is no longer occurring in the Solar System.

Question 23

If a radioactive element has a half-life of 10,000 years, what fraction of it is left in a rock after 40,000 years?
  • 1/2
  • 1/4
  • 1/8
  • 1/16
  • 1/32

Question 24

Suppose an earthquake occurs on an imaginary planet. Scientists on the other side of the planet detect primary waves but not secondary waves after the quake occurs. This suggests that:
  • Part of the planet's interior is liquid.
  • All if planet's interior is solid.
  • The planet has an iron core.
  • The planet's interior consists entirely of rocky materials.
  • The planet is made of cheese.

Question 25

Differentiation refers to materials that are separate based on their:
  • Weight.
  • Mass.
  • Density.
  • Volume
  • Heat capacity.

Question 26

What would you study in order to determine the timescale on which the Earth's magnetic field reverses direction?
  • A spreading center on the sea floor.
  • A volcano in the middle of a continental plate.
  • A fault at the border between two plates.
  • A subduction zone on the sea floor.
  • The rate of motion of tectonic plates.

Question 27

Which is NOT a reason for the large size of volcanoes on Mars as compared to Earth's smaller volcanoes?
  • Absence of plate tectonics.
  • Lack of atmosphere; therefore no erosion.
  • Less gravity than other terrestrial planets.
  • Many repeated eruptions.
  • All of these are reasons.

Question 28

We have direct evidence for the current existence of water on the surface which terrestrial object?
  • Mercury.
  • Venus.
  • Mars.
  • Ganymede.
  • Callisto.

Question 29

What is the reason Mercury has no little gas in its atmosphere?
  • Its mass is small.
  • It has a high temperature.
  • It is close to the Sun.
  • Its escape velocity is low.
  • All of the above reasons.

Question 30

Venus and Earth probably formed with similar amounts of carbon dioxide in their secondary atmospheres. Which of the following is TRUE?
  • The majority of Earth's carbon dioxide escaped into space because of its hotter temperature, while Venus's carbon dioxide remains gravitationally bound to Venus.
  • The majority of Earth's carbon is now bound up in rock while Venus's remains in its atmosphere.
  • Earth lost more of its secondary atmosphere because it was bombarded by more planetesimals than Venus.
  • The majority of Earth's carbon was absorbed by plants during photosynthesis.

Question 31

The angular resolution of a ground-based telescope (without adaptive optics) is typically:
  • 30 arsec.
  • 1 arcmin.
  • 10 arsec.
  • 1 arcsec.
  • 30 arcmin.

Question 32

Which telescope would collect 100 times more light than a 1-meter telescope?
  • 100-meter telescope.
  • 80-meter telescope.
  • 50-meter telescope.
  • 30-meter telescope.
  • 10-meter telescope.

Question 33

Most modern spectrographs use a ____ to dispense the light from an object.
  • Spherical mirror.
  • Lens.
  • Glass prism.
  • Diffraction grating.
  • Parabolic mirror.

Question 34

Before CCS were invented, what was the device most commonly used for imaging with optical telescopes?
  • Polaroid cameras.
  • Photographic glass plates.
  • Mark-one human eyeball.
  • High-speed film.
  • Video cameras.

Question 35

Astronomers can use ground-based telescopes to observe in the majority of which of the following parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?
  • Visible and infrared.
  • Visible and ultraviolet.
  • Visible and radio.
  • Visible, ultraviolet, and infrared.
  • Visible, infrared, and radio.
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