TaleemulQuran weekly Quiz 43


Lec by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Quiz by TQ English Quiz, updated more than 1 year ago
TQ English Quiz
Created by TQ English Quiz about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

[blank_start]Dhul Qada- Dhul Hijjah[blank_end] -Muharram- Rajab are the four sacred months.
  • Dhul Qada- Dhul Hijjah
  • Jumada Awwal- Jumada Aakhir
  • Rabbi Al Awwal - Dhul Hijjah
  • Dhul Qada- Rabbi Al Akhir

Question 2

A Muslims is prohibited to fight in vicinity of Haram (kabah) even if someone attacks him.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

Infaaq Fee sabilllah can be categorized into:
  • In the application of religion
  • In the defense of the religion
  • In the promotion of religion
  • All the above
  • A and B alone
  • A and C alone

Question 4

What does the word Hurma (حرمٰ) mean?
  • People and places that is supposed to be respected.
  • Times and places that are supposed to be respected.
  • Time and people that are supposed to be respected.
  • All the above

Question 5

In Hajj Ifraad, one should perform both Umrah and hajj in one Ihraam.
  • True
  • False

Question 6

Hajj Tamattuh is not done by the people who live within Makkah.
  • True
  • False

Question 7

When a person is not in a condition to do halq due to some illness, he should do any of the following as fidya: Fast 3 days [blank_start]Feed 6 needy people[blank_end] Slaughter sheep/goat
  • Feed 6 orphans
  • Feed 10 relatives
  • Feed 6 needy people
  • Feed 6 neighbors

Question 8

Ideally, the slaughtering should be done in Haram, However, if it's not possible then it can be done
  • After going back home
  • Wherever we can.
  • In Place where treaty of hudaibiyah was signed
  • on the doorsteps of haram

Question 9

When we set out with an intention of Hajj, but are prevented for some reason, then we can come out from the state of Ihram by
  • Sacrificing an Animal which we afford and do Halq
  • Sacrifice goat/sheep and do Halq
  • Sacrifice an Animal which you afford and fast for 3 days
  • Sacrificing any animal

Question 10

Halq should be done only after the Animal is
  • Bought
  • Sacrificed
  • Reaches the place where the sacrifice is done.
  • Is sacrificed and feed to the needy people
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