First Aid Exam


First Aid Practice Exam
Jess Billitz
Quiz by Jess Billitz, updated more than 1 year ago
Jess Billitz
Created by Jess Billitz almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

If blood is spurting from a wound, what should you do?
  • Apply a tourniquet.
  • Cover the wound with a clean cloth and apply continuous pressure with the palm of the hand.
  • Take measures to avoid direct contact with blood such as using disposable gloves. If bleeding continues (in spite of your efforts to stop it) 9-1-1 should be called.
  • Cover the wound with a clean cloth and apply continuous pressure with the palm of the hand AND Take measures to avoid direct contact with blood such as using disposable gloves. If bleeding continues (in spite of your efforts to stop it) 9-1-1 should be called.

Question 2

What steps should be taken if there is a muscle, joint, or bone injury?
  • Reduce, Insulate, Compress, and Evaluate
  • Rest, Ibuprofen, Cool, and Evacuate
  • Rest, Immobilize, Cold, Elevate

Question 3

When caring for a person who is having a seizure, you should:
  • Place a spoon or wallet between the person’s teeth.
  • Remove nearby objects that might cause injury.
  • Try to hold the person still.
  • All of the these choices.

Question 4

How should you care for someone with minor frostbite on the fingers?
  • Get the person to a warm environment and then rewarm his or her hands using skin-to-skin contact.
  • Have the person shake his hand vigorously until feeling is restored.
  • Immerse his or her hands in hot water.
  • Massage his or her hands vigorously.

Question 5

A young woman is having trouble breathing and, based on your check of the person, you suspect that she is having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting. What should you do?
  • After about 15 minutes, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
  • Call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personnel take over.
  • Give the person a cool drink.
  • Give the person abdominal thrusts.

Question 6

What should you do if the person does not give consent?
  • Do not give care but instead call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
  • Give care and call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
  • Give care but do not call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
  • None of the these choices.

Question 7

The order for which you should respond to an emergency situation include [blank_start]check[blank_end], [blank_start]call[blank_end], and [blank_start]care[blank_end].
  • check
  • evaluate
  • look
  • call
  • recognize
  • illness
  • help
  • care
  • assistance

Question 8

If a person has swallowed poison, give them water to drink immediately afterward.
  • True
  • False

Question 9

When dragging a person that is injured, it is important to keep their head, neck, and spine stabilized.
  • True
  • False

Question 10

To treat shock, you [blank_start]lie the person down[blank_end], help maintain [blank_start]normal body temperature[blank_end], and [blank_start]reassure the person[blank_end].
  • lie the person down
  • give a person food or water
  • keep them seated
  • normal body temperature
  • bleeding
  • time
  • reassure the person
  • give them an epi pen
  • put them in cool water

Question 11

What are the ABC's of checking an unconscious person?
  • Airway, bleeding, circulation
  • Airway, breathing, circulation
  • Airway, breathing, CPR

Question 12

You are in the wilderness with your sister and she appears to have broken her wrist while attempting to brace herself after she tripped over a tree root. The only supplies you have are what you have packed in your backpack. How should you treat her injury?
  • Create a rigid splint using a magazine and some rope
  • Create a sling to immobilize her wrist using a towel
  • Create an anatomic splint by binding her wrist to her side with rope
  • This injury does not need to be treated immediately

Question 13

In which of the following situations would it be necessary to call 9-1-1?
  • You are running and step one foot into a pothole, twisting your ankle.
  • You are using a bread knife to cut slices of bread and accidentally cut your finger which starts to slightly bleed.
  • You fall off of your bike directly onto your head and feel intense neck and back pain.
  • You get hit by a tennis ball on the thigh at tennis practice and a bruise begins to form.

Question 14

You approach the scene of an accident and there are several injured. Who should you treat first?
  • Child
  • Adult
  • It doesn't matter.
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