Noorun Ala Nur - weekly tafseer - Surah Ankabuth Ayah [1 - 17]


Noorun Ala Nur - weekly tafseer - Surah Ankabuth Ayah [1 - 17]
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Surah Ankabuth begins with a rebuke ...What is it ? Select more than one
  • Do the believers think that they will be left alone and not be tested ?
  • Do the believers think that they will be left alone with no problems and difficulty ?
  • Do the believers think that they will not face any difficulty because now they are practicing the Deen ?

Question 2

Man will be tested in accordance with the degree of his evil deeds ,the more evil he does ,the greater he is tested. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 3

The Benefits of "Fitnah "( Trials ) Select one
  • The oppressors can never escape the Azab of Allah
  • Allah is All Hearer and Knower
  • One who strives , banifits himself.
  • Allah will cleanse their sins.
  • They will be admitted among the Righteous
  • All the above

Question 4

Can the trials of duniya be the same as the trials of the Akhirah (Yes OR No)
  • Yes
  • No

Question 5

He considers the trials from people as though it is the azab of Allah Who is this ? Select one
  • Mushriq
  • Kaafir
  • Munafiq

Question 6

Azab of Allah is extremely difficult and eternal but the trials of duniya are more difficult and permanent. (True or false)
  • True
  • False

Question 7

They will carry their own burden as well as the burden of others in addition to their own. Who are they ? Select one
  • Those who do evil
  • Those who watch others do evil.
  • Those who do evil and initiates to do evil.

Question 8

Nuh A.S . lived among his people for 950 years. What lesson do we extract ? Select one :
  • Life is full of hardships however it is temporary.
  • Success comes only after trials
  • Eventually Allah helps His slave
  • But if one gives up his Deen, he is doomed to failure.
  • All the above

Question 9

Ibrahim A.S. Called his people to Islam. What lesson do we extract ? Select one or more
  • Worship Allah alone and have Taqwa of Him.
  • Anything worshipped other than Allah is a Lie
  • Allah is AR Razaq, so worship Him alone and give thanks
  • We will all return to Him

Question 10

Anything that is worshiped or sought help from, besides Allah is Batil ( falsehood ) (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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