

RACP Rheumatology Quiz on Rheumatology_2009, created by Jeku Jacob on 14/01/2017.
Jeku Jacob
Quiz by Jeku Jacob, updated more than 1 year ago
Jeku Jacob
Created by Jeku Jacob over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following activities is most likely to cause pain in osteoarthritis of the patello‐femoral joint?
  • A. Walking up stairs
  • B. Jogging
  • C. Walking on flat ground
  • D. Getting out of a chair
  • E. Standing

Question 2

What is the most common mechanism for primary hyperuricaemia? Alternative wording: What is the most common mechanism for primary hyperuriacemia in a normal person?
  • A. Increased gastrointestinal absorption of uric acid
  • B. Increased cell turnover
  • C. Inherited defects in purine synthesis
  • D. Inherited defects in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) metabolism
  • E. Reduced uric acid urinary excretion

Question 3

Where is pain most felt in patients with hip osteoarthritis?
  • A. Groin
  • B. Buttock
  • C. Lateral thigh
  • D. Knee
  • E. Medial thigh

Question 4

Which of the these joints is most likely to be involved in pseudogout (calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease)?
  • A. Ankle
  • B. Knee
  • C. 1st Metacarpophalangeal
  • D. 1st Carpometacarpal
  • E. Wrist

Question 5

A circulating antibody is suspected of causing disease. Which of the following is best evidence of the antibody being pathogenic?
  • A. Detectable circulating level of autoantibody prior to disease onset
  • B. Fluctuating levels of autoantibodies with disease flares
  • C. Presence of autoantibody-antigen complexes in tissue biopsy specimens
  • D. Disease improvement post plasmapheresis
  • E. Passive transfer of patient serum to experimental animals causes disease

Question 6

CRP and ESR are markers of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. What other marker is most useful in monitoring disease activity?
  • A. Leukocytosis
  • B. Thrombocytosis
  • C. Anaemia
  • D. Rheumatoid factor
  • E. Albumin

Question 7

A 56yo man presents with right knee swelling after a long walk. He has a history of obesity and psoriasis of 12 years. Right knee xray shows loss of cartilage in the medial compartment with chondrocalcinosis. Serum urate 0.55 (0.24 – 0.44) Synovial analysis Viscosity: normal Clarity: normal WCC: 900mm3 (<200) Differential: 90% mononuclear Crystals : occasional extracellular urate crystals What is the cause of this man’s right knee swelling?
  • A. Pseudogout
  • B. OA
  • C. Gout
  • D. Psoriatic arthritis
  • E. Medial meniscal tear

Question 8

A 59 year old woman presents with painful fingers, which are worse in winter and when cold. Mild sclerodactyly is noted on clinical examination. The remainder of the exam is unremarkable. An ANA is performed and is positive with anti centromere antibodies at a titre of 1:1280. Her ENAs are negative. Which of the following is the most appropriate?
  • A. Penicillamine
  • B. Iloprost infusion
  • C. Nifedipine
  • D. Topical GTN
  • E. Keep warm

Question 9

A patient with renal impairment (Cr 152) presents with acute gout. He is on an ACE inhibitor. What is the best treatment?
  • A. Diclofenac
  • B. Prednisolone 20mg daily
  • C. Colchicine 0.5mg tds
  • D. Allopurinol 100mg daily

Question 10

A 45 year old female presents with puffy fingers, a symmetrical arthritis of the small joints of her hands, proximal weakness and Raynaud’s phenomenon. Her initial blood tests are as follows: CK 2000 ALP 180 ALT 160 GGT 150 ANA 1:1640 speckled pattern She has positive antibodies to RNP, but antibodies to Jo‐1, Sm, Ro, La, and Scl‐70 are negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?
  • A. Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • B. Mixed connective tissue disorder (mixed SLE/Scleroderma/polymyositis)
  • C. Sjogren’s syndrome
  • D. Systemic sclerosis
  • E. Polymyositis

Question 11

A 63 year old male with a 12 year history of polyarthritis now presents with increasing pain in his feet with prolonged walking and discomfort in his hands. An X ray of his hand is shown below. Which one of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis?
  • A. Rheumatoid arthritis
  • B. Osteoarthritis
  • C. Psoriatic arthritis
  • D. Reactive arthritis
  • E. Haemochromatosis

Question 12

A 23 year old male presents with palpable purpura over his buttocks and lower limbs. He is asymptomatic. A biopsy of the rash shows a leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Immunofluorescence shows IgA deposition at the endothelium. What is the next most appropriate investigation?
  • A. Throat swab
  • B. Urine sediment analysis
  • C. Faecal occult blood
  • D.ANCA
  • E. Renal biopsy

Question 13

A 32 year old lady is admitted to hospital with an acute onset of chest pain due to myocardial infarction. She reports a history of recurrent severe post prandial abdominal pain, intermittent lower limb claudication and recent onset of hypertension which has been difficult to control with multiple antihypertensive agents. Initial investigation results are: Hb 120 WCC 5 Platelets 300 Chol 4.0 ESR 40 CRP 3 ANCA negative ANA 1:40, speckled pattern C3 0.32 C4 0.9 Urine <10 RBC What investigation is most likely to reveal the diagnosis?
  • A. Sural nerve biopsy
  • B. Mesenteric angiogram
  • C. Serum cryoglobulins
  • D. Serum hepatitis B surface antibody
  • E. Renal ultrasound
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