Physics Theory #2


Hanzo Conard
Quiz by Hanzo Conard, updated more than 1 year ago
Hanzo Conard
Created by Hanzo Conard over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always:
  • The magnitude of its average velocity over the interval
  • The distance covered during the time interval divided by the time interval
  • One-half its speed at the end of the interval
  • One-half its acceleration multiplied by the time interval

Question 2

Of the following situations, which one is impossible
  • A body having velocity east and acceleration east
  • A body having velocity east and acceleration west
  • A body having zero velocity and non-zero acceleration
  • A body having constant acceleration and variable velocity
  • A body having constant velocity and variable acceleration

Question 3

Throughout a time interval, while the speed of a particle increases as it moves along the x axis,its velocity and acceleration might be
  • Positive and negative, respectively
  • Negative and positive, respectively
  • Negative and negative, respectively
  • Negative and zero, respectively
  • Positive and zero, respectively

Question 4

A particle moves on the x axis.When its acceleration is positive and increasing:
  • Its velocity must be positive
  • Its velocity must be negative
  • It must be slowing down
  • It must be speeding up
  • None of the above must be true

Question 5

A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 6t^2, where x is in meters and t is in seconds.Therefore
  • The acceleration of the particle is 6 m/s2
  • t cannot be negative
  • The particle follows a parabolic path
  • Each second the velocity of the particle changes by 9.8 m/s
  • None of the above

Question 6

A ball is in free fall.Its acceleration is:
  • Downward during both ascent and descent
  • Downward during ascent and upward during descent
  • Upward during ascent and downward during descent
  • Upward during both ascent and descent
  • Downward at all times except at the very top, when it is zero

Question 7

A ball is in free fall. Upward is taken to be the positive direction. The displacement of the ball during a short time interval is
  • Positive during both ascent and descent
  • Negative during both ascent and descent
  • Negative during ascent and positive during descent
  • Positive during ascent and negative during descent
  • None of the above

Question 8

A baseball is thrown vertically into the air.The acceleration of the ball at its highest point is
  • Zero
  • g,down
  • g,up
  • 2g,down
  • 2g,up

Question 9

Which one of the following statements is correct for an object released from rest
  • The average velocity during the first second of time is 4.9m/s
  • During each second the object falls 9.8m
  • The acceleration changes by 9.8m/s2 every second
  • The object falls 9.8m during the first second of time
  • The acceleration of the object is proportional to its weight

Question 10

A freely falling body has a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s2.This means that
  • The body falls 9.8 m during each second
  • The body falls 9.8 m during the first second only
  • The speed of the body increases by 9.8 m/s during each second
  • The acceleration of the body increases by 9.8 m/s2 during each second
  • The acceleration of the body decreases by 9.8 m/s2 during each second

Question 11

An object is shot vertically upward. While it is rising
  • Its velocity and acceleration are both upward
  • Its velocity is upward and its acceleration is downward
  • Its velocity and acceleration are both downward
  • Its velocity is downward and its acceleration is upward
  • Its velocity and acceleration are both decreasing

Question 12

A feather, initially at rest, is released in a vacuum 12 m above the surface of the earth.Which of the following statements is correct
  • The maximum velocity of the feather is 9.8 m/s
  • The acceleration of the feather decreases until terminal velocity is reached
  • The acceleration of the feather remains constant during the fall
  • The acceleration of the feather increases during the fall
  • The acceleration of the feather is zero

Question 13

The area under a velocity-time graph represents
  • Acceleration
  • Change in acceleration
  • Speed
  • Change in velocity
  • Displacement

Question 14

Displacement can be obtained from
  • The slope of an acceleration-time graph
  • The slope of a velocity-time graph
  • The area under an acceleration-time graph
  • The area under a velocity-time graph

Question 15

An object has a constant acceleration of 3 m/s2. The coordinate versus time graph for this object has a slope
  • That increases with time
  • That is constant
  • That decreases with time
  • Of 3 m/s
  • Of 3 m/s^2

Question 16

Velocity is defined as
  • Rate of change of position with time
  • Position divided by time
  • Rate of change of acceleration with time
  • A speeding up or slowing down
  • Change of position

Question 17

Acceleration is defined as:
  • Rate of change of position with time
  • Speed divided by time
  • Rate of change of velocity with time
  • A speeding up or slowing down
  • Change of velocity

Question 18

Which of the following is a scalar quantity?
  • Speed
  • Velocity
  • Displacement
  • Acceleration
  • None of these

Question 19

Which of the following is a vector quantity?
  • Mass
  • Density
  • Speed
  • Temperature
  • None of these

Question 20

Which of the following is NOT an example of accelerated motion?
  • Vertical component of projectile motion
  • Circular motion at constant speed
  • A swinging pendulum
  • Earth’s motion about sun
  • Horizontal component of projectile motion

Question 21

Two bodies are falling with negligible air resistance, side by side, above a horizontal plane.If one of the bodies is given an additional horizontal acceleration during its descent, it:
  • Strikes the plane at the same time as the other body
  • Strikes the plane earlier than the other body
  • Has the vertical component of its velocity altered
  • Has the vertical component of its acceleration altered
  • Follows a straight line path along the resultant acceleration vector

Question 22

The velocity of a projectile equals its initial velocity added to:
  • A constant horizontal velocity
  • A constant vertical velocity
  • A constantly increasing horizontal velocity
  • A constantly increasing downward velocity
  • A constant velocity directed at the target

Question 23

A stone thrown from the top of a tall building follows a path that is:
  • Circular
  • Made of two straight line segments
  • Hyperbolic
  • Parabolic
  • A straight line

Question 24

Identical guns fire identical bullets horizontally at the same speed from the same height above level planes, one on the Earth and one on the Moon. Which of the following three statements is/are true? I. The horizontal distance traveled by the bullet is greater for the Moon II. The flight time is less for the bullet on the Earth III. The velocity of the bullets at impact are the same.
  • I
  • II
  • III

Question 25

A bomber flying in level flight with constant velocity releases a bomb before it is over the target. Neglecting air resistance, which one of the following is NOT true:
  • The bomber is over the target when the bomb strikes
  • The acceleration of the bomb is constant
  • The horizontal velocity of the plane equals the vertical velocity of the bomb when it hits the target
  • The bomb travels in a curved path
  • The time of flight of the bomb is independent of the horizontal speed of the plane

Question 26

An object is shot from the back of a railroad flatcar moving at 40km/h on a straight horizontal road. The launcher is aimed upward, perpendicular to the bed of the flatcar. The object falls:
  • In front of the flatcar
  • Behind the flatcar
  • On the flatcar
  • Either behind or in front of the flatcar, depending on the initial speed of the object
  • To the side of the flatcar

Question 27

An isothermal process for an ideal gas is represented on a p-V diagram by:
  • A horizontal line
  • A vertical line
  • A portion of an ellipse
  • A portion of a parabola
  • A portion of a hyperbola

Question 28

Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation travels at the greatest speed in vacuum?
  • Radio waves
  • Visible light
  • X rays
  • Gamma rays
  • All of these travel at the same speed

Question 29

An electromagnetic wave is generated by:
  • Any moving charge
  • Any accelerating charge
  • Only a charge with changing acceleration
  • Only a charge moving in a circle
  • Only a charge moving in a straight line

Question 30

In a plane electromagnetic wave in vacuum, the ratio E/B of the amplitudes in SI units of the two fields is:
  • The speed of light
  • An increasing function of frequency
  • A decreasing function of frequency
  • √2
  • 1/√2

Question 31

The relation θ(incident) = θ(reflected),whichapplies as a ray of light strikes an interface between two media, is known as:
  • Faraday’s law
  • Snell’s law
  • Ampere’s law
  • Cole’s law
  • None of these

Question 32

As used in the laws of reflection and refraction, the “normal” direction is:
  • Any convenient direction
  • Tangent to the interface
  • Along the incident ray
  • Perpendicular to the electric field vector of the light
  • Perpendicular to the interface

Question 33

When an electromagnetic wave meets a reflecting surface, the direction taken by the reflected wave is determined by:
  • The material of the reflecting surface
  • The angle of incidence
  • The index of the medium
  • The intensity of the wave
  • The wavelength

Question 34

The index of refraction of a substance is:
  • The speed of light in the substance
  • The angle of refraction
  • The angle of incidence
  • The speed of light in vacuum divided by the speed of light in the substance
  • Measured in radians

Question 35

The units of index of refraction are:
  • m/s
  • s/m
  • radian
  • m/s^2
  • None of these

Question 36

A virtual image is one:
  • Toward which light rays converge but do not pass through
  • From which light rays diverge but do not pass through
  • From which light rays diverge as they pass through
  • Toward which light rays converge and pass through
  • With a ray normal to a mirror passing through it

Question 37

When you stand in front of a plane mirror, your image is:
  • Real, erect, and smaller than you
  • Real, erect, and the same size as you
  • Virtual, erect, and smaller than you
  • Virtual, erect, and the same size as you
  • Real, inverted, and the same size as you

Question 38

As an object is moved from the center of curvature of a concave mirror toward its focal point its image:
  • Remains virtual and becomes larger
  • Remains virtual and becomes smaller
  • Remains real and becomes larger
  • Remains real and becomes smaller
  • Remains real and approaches the same size as the object

Question 39

The image of an erect candle, formed using a convex mirror, is always:
  • Virtual, inverted, and smaller than the candle
  • Virtual, inverted, and larger than the candle
  • Virtual, erect, and larger than the candle
  • Virtual, erect, and smaller than the candle
  • Real, erect, and smaller than the candle

Question 40

At what distance in front of a concave mirror must an object be placed so that the image and object are the same size:
  • A focal length
  • Half a focal length
  • Twice a focal length
  • Less than half focal length
  • More than twice a focal length
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