Govt & Non Profit Organizations - Auditing


Chapter 11
Quiz by turquoise_cat, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by turquoise_cat over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following is one of the overarching principles in Government Auditing Standards related to auditors performing nonaudit work for clients?
  • Auditors should not provide training to clients.
  • Auditors should not provide routine advice to clients or serve on advisory committees.
  • Auditors should not audit their own work or provide nonaudit services in situations when the nonaudit services are significant to the audit subject matter.
  • Auditors should not propose adjusting and correction entries.

Question 2

An auditor performing nonaudit work for a client may be in danger of violating the independence rules in Government Auditing Standards when he or she
  • Conducts a search and recommends a particular person for a management position for the client.
  • Provides advice on establishing or improving internal controls.
  • Provides the client with benchmarking information.
  • Answers technical questions for the client.

Question 3

Which of the following kinds of information is not included within the scope of a financial statement audit of a state or local government?
  • Governmental activities financial information.
  • Management's discussion and analysis (MD&A).
  • Major funds financial information.
  • Business-type activities financial information.

Question 4

Performance audits, as defined in the GAO's Governmental Auditing Standards
  • Provide a basis for an auditor's opinion as to whether the entity is acquiring, protecting, and using its resources economically and efficiently.
  • Provide assurance that operations are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements.
  • Provide assurance or conclusions based on an evaluation of evidence regarding program effectiveness, economy, and efficiency; internal control compliance, and prospective analyses.
  • Are always performed by the internal audit staff to assist the entity's independent auditor.

Question 5

Which of the following would be considered Category (b) GAAP for state and local government auditees?
  • AICPA Practice Bulletins if specifically made applicable to state and local governments by the AICPA and cleared by the GASB.
  • GASB Technical Bulletins.
  • GASB Statements and Interpretations.
  • GASB Implementation Guides.

Question 6

A common reason why a government might receive a "qualified opinion" from the external auditors is
  • A violation of generally accepted accounting principles that does not cause material misstatement of the financial statements.
  • A fund balance deficit in the General Fund.
  • Poor internal controls such that the accounting records could not be audited.
  • Liabilities exceed assets in the General Fund.

Question 7

Attestation engagements include
  • Assessment of the extent to which entity programs met their objectives.
  • Reviews of interim financial information.
  • Services that provide various levels of assurance on such matters as internal control, compliance, MD&A presentation, and reliability of performance measures.
  • Examining whether the entity's financial statements fairly present in conformity with GAAP.

Question 8

Which of the following best describes the relationship between generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) and generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS)?
  • GAAS apply to independent CPA auditors; GAGAS apply to governmental auditors.
  • Audits conducted in conformity with GAGAS may also require the auditor to conform to GAAS.
  • Audits done in accordance with GAGAS must also be done in accordance with GAAS.
  • Audits of state and local governments always required that the audit be conducted in accordance with both GAAS and GAGAS.

Question 9

Which of the following is not a required audit report for a single audit?
  • A report on the entity's compliance with laws and regulations.
  • A report on internal controls related to the financial statements and major programs.
  • A report on the entity's financial statements and conformity with GAAP.
  • A report from the cognizant agency on auditee compliance.

Question 10

All of the following reports are included in the reporting package resulting from the single audit except
  • Financial statements and schedule of expenditures of federal awards.
  • Summary schedule of prior audit findings.
  • Report on efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Corrective action plan.
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