Noorun Ala Nur -- Weekly Tafseer Test --Surah AL Ahzab [Ayah 38 - 52]


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer test Surah AL Ahzab Ayah 38 - 52
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

( Ayah 38) " There can be no blame attached to the Prophet for following the commands of Allah " What is the" blame" understood as ? Select one
  • The Prophet saw. should not feel any kind of discomfort to marry Zainab ra. as he is only following the commands of Allah.
  • The Prophet should feel discomfort to marry Zainab ra
  • The Prophet was so uncomfortable that he did not marry Zainab ra

Question 2

What is the most important thing one must remember when conveying the message of Allah ? Select one.
  • They must fear Allah, also it is natural to fear people.
  • They must only that which people desire.
  • They must not fear anyone except Allah

Question 3

(Ayah 40) " Muhammad is not the father of any of your men " How is this understood as ? Select one or more
  • Prophet Muhammad saw. is not going to leave any male heirs.
  • Though the Prophet adopted Zaid ra. ,he does not become his real son. Therefore the Prophet is not his actual father
  • The Prophet never had sons

Question 4

What is "Qhataman Nabiyeena " understood as ? Select one or More
  • Qhatam : Seal of Prophets ie; no more Prophets are going to be sent after Prophet Muhammad saw.
  • Qhatim : Prophet Muhammad saw is the last among the Prophets
  • Isa as. is the last among the Prophets to come.

Question 5

What are the benefits of Zikr ? Select one or more
  • Allah will send His blessings and praise you among the Angels
  • His Angels will seek forgiveness for you
  • Allah bestows His Special Mercy to the believers

Question 6

What are the attributes of Rasulillah mentioned in Ayah 45 and 46 ? Select one or more
  • Muhammad saw. is a Nabi and a Rasool
  • A Mubashshir, Munzir and a Daii
  • A lamp spreading the light of Islam

Question 7

In the matters of Nikah and Talaq, who should we follow? Select one
  • Follow our desires
  • Follow the Commands of Allah
  • What seems most appropriate to us.

Question 8

When a believer marries a believing women and divorces her before consumating, is she required to observe iddat ? (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No

Question 9

Is it important to give her gifts at time of divorce. (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No

Question 10

The Prophet divorced Umaymah bint Sharahil. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 11

The Prophet was allowed to marry more than four wives. (True OR False )
  • True
  • False

Question 12

Why was this allowance only for the Prophet and not for any other believer ? Select one or more
  • The reason behind so many marriages was not to fulfill any desire or marital needs but it only made his mission to convey easy.
  • Ended enemity and thus many tribes accepted Islam
  • The Hadiths narrated by his wives gave us great knowledge in understanding the Deen

Question 13

(Ayah 50 ) " We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have given their Mehr " Select one
  • Safiya ra.
  • Sayeda Maymoona
  • Ayesha ra

Question 14

Those wives who came as prisoners of war. Select one or more
  • Safiya ra.
  • Juwayriyah bint AL Harith
  • Zainab bint khuzaymah

Question 15

Those wives who were the Prophets first cousins. Select one or more
  • Umm Habiba( daughter of Abu Sufyan
  • Zainab bint Jahash
  • Umm Hani bint Abu Talib
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