Being Muslim --Weekly Tafseer Test --Surah Baqarah [Verse 132-133]


Being Muslim Weekly Tafseer test Surah Baqarah Verse 132-133
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Why does Yacoub (alayhi salam) say, Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) chose this deen for you? Select one of the following:
  • To realise the importance of forefathers.
  • To remind his sons in case they forgot
  • To make his sons realise what a huge blessing the deen is and not everyone is given this blessing.

Question 2

How can a person make sure that he doesn't die when he's not a Muslim? Select one of the following
  • By living as a Muslim throughout his life because the way you live is the way you die.
  • By making sure his forefathers are righteous
  • By only obeying Yacoub (alayhi salam)
  • By reciting the kalimah 2000 times

Question 3

Select from the dropdown list to complete the text. Ibrahim (alayhi salam) was the_________ of Yacoub A.S
  • father
  • grandfather
  • uncle
  • great grandfather of Yacoub (alayhi salam)

Question 4

Conveying the deen to our family should be done in a strict and harsh manner. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 5

We are safe in the hereafter if our ancestors are righteous. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 6

We can't think that just because we are born into a Muslim family doesn't mean that we have a free pass to Jannah.. we will be judged according to our actions not our lineage.. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 7

What was Hazrat Yaqub A.S saying to his sons during his last moments? Select any one of the following
  • What God will u worship after me?
  • Was telling his sons to do Hijra ?

Question 8

Ibrahim A.S wanted to leave his legacy to his children Because this is what he knew to be the most important thing and he loves Allah and this deen so he wanted to share with his children his love for the deen.. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 9

Ibrahim A.S gave his legacy to his children Who else left this legacy to his children according to this particular ayah 132
  • Hazrat Yaqoob A.S.
  • Hazrat Musa A.S

Question 10

What is ALLAH SWT telling us in this ayah?( 132-133) Select one more from the below
  • That this deen was there since the beginning of time.
  • All Messengers from the start were bringing the same deen and same message from the same ALLAH

Question 11

Following our ancestors is not a bad thing in it of itself.. of they are on the right path and if their way of life etc is not contradictory to Islam then it can be followed (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Question 12

What was Ibrahim's A.S. advice to his children in the ayah 132
  • To not die accept as Muslims
  • To complete t rites of Hajj

Question 13

What is the legacy of Ibrahim A.S?
  • Deen of ALLAH which has been chosen for him and his children
  • Zam Zam well

Question 14

When Hazrat Yaqoob A.S said to his sons during his last moment Which God will u worship What was his sons' reply?
  • That they will worship his Yaqoob's A.S. God And the God of their forefathers
  • That they will not worship his Yaqoob's A.S. God And the God of their forefathers

Question 15

We must be concerned abt the deen of not just ourselves but of our family as well (True or False)
  • True
  • False
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