Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Saffat Ayah 1 - 42


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Saffat Ayah 1 - 42
Reshma B
Quiz by Reshma B, updated more than 1 year ago
Reshma B
Created by Reshma B about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Surah Saffat is a Madani Surah. True or False ?
  • True
  • False

Question 2

( Ayah 1 ) Who is been spoken of ? Select one or more
  • The Jinns
  • The soldiers in battle
  • The Angels and the Ulimah

Question 3

( Ayah 2 ) Who is been spoken of ? Select one or more
  • The Angels who drive the clouds
  • The Angels who rebuke a disbelieving soul at the time of taking its soul
  • The Angels Munkar and Nakir in the grave

Question 4

What is the lesson for us in Ayah 1 - 4 Select one or more
  • Allah Subhanahu wa Taala negates the belief that Angeles are the daughters of Allah
  • An invitation to complete obedience, arrangement and organization
  • No matter how busy we get, never be heedless to the remembrance of Allah

Question 5

What is the lesson in Ayah 6 - 10 Select one or more
  • Every creation has a purpose and so do human beings
  • Those who create mischief / fasad, for them is an everlasting punishment
  • Never be influenced by fortune tellers

Question 6

( Ayah 11 - 12 ) What is the lesson in this Ayah ? Select one or more
  • We are a creation which can't compete with the other creation
  • Our origin is so low( hakeer ) yet we assume greatness
  • Moreover human beings ridicule at the Prophet( peace be upon him)

Question 7

( Ayah 18 ) Who will be humiliated and why ? Select one or more
  • Those who redicule at the Ayaath of Allah
  • Those who mock at the Ayaath and call it nothing but magic
  • Those who disbelieved in Resurrection

Question 8

What is Yaum - mul -fasl ? Select one
  • Day of Celebration
  • Day of Sacrifice
  • Day of Judgement

Question 9

( Ayah 28 ) what are the followers telling the leaders in this Ayah ? Select one or more
  • " You came to us from the right side meaning from the good side, we blindly trusted you"
  • " You forced us in the name of religion and traditions "
  • " You forced us towards wrong way in the name of respect and honour to our forefathers "

Question 10

( Ayah 29 - 33 ) What do we see happening between the followers and the leaders ? Select one or more
  • Blame Game
  • No one has authority over each other so we can't blame anyone for our Kufr
  • The leaders themselves acknowledge that " we mislead people because we ourselves were astray "

Question 11

( Ayah 38 ) Who will taste a painful punishment ? Select one or more
  • Those who assumed greatness and this stopped them from accepting what Rasulillah ( peace be upon him ) came to them with.
  • Those who did not give up their dieties even if Rasulillah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to them with Haq
  • Laa illaha illallah meant change of life style and sacrifice, which was not again accepted by the them

Question 12

Who is "ibadal 'laahi " and on what basis are they choosen ? Select one or more
  • Servants of Allah
  • Those who prove themselves with Iqlas( sincerity ) and sacrifice
  • They are choosen based on their Iqlas

Question 13

What is " Rizkum Maa'lum " ? Select one or more
  • Jannah
  • Unfamiliar fruits which a person will be hesitant to eat
  • A surprise from Allah for the people of Jannah

Question 14

"Fawakih" ( fruits of Jannah)is the plural of Select one
  • Fakeer
  • Fasiq
  • Fakiha

Question 15

(Ayah 42 )" Ones Honored " .....How ? Select one or more
  • People of Jannah will be" Served " treated as Guest
  • People of Jannah will be honored, which will further complete their enjoyment.
  • People of Jannah will be ill treated
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