Life Exchage Short Story - Chapter 01 - Exercise 01


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Jorge Sánchez
Quiz by Jorge Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Sánchez
Created by Jorge Sánchez about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Sit - Past: [blank_start]Sat[blank_end] - Present: Look - Past: [blank_start]Looked[blank_end] - Present: Is - Past: [blank_start]Was[blank_end] - Present: Smile - Past: [blank_start]Smiled[blank_end] - Present: Are - Past: [blank_start]Were[blank_end]
  • Sat
  • Looked
  • Was
  • Smiled
  • Were

Question 2

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Leave - Past: [blank_start]Left[blank_end] - Present: Isn't - Past: [blank_start]Wasn't[blank_end] - Present: Become - Past: [blank_start]Became[blank_end] - Present: Give - Past: [blank_start]Gave[blank_end] - Present: Want - Past: [blank_start]Wanted[blank_end]
  • Wanted
  • Gave
  • Became
  • Wasn't
  • Left

Question 3

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Pay - Past: [blank_start]Paid[blank_end] - Present: Light - Past: [blank_start]Lit[blank_end] - Present: Hate - Past: [blank_start]Hated[blank_end] - Present: Have - Past: [blank_start]Had[blank_end] - Present: Build - Past: [blank_start]Built[blank_end]
  • Built
  • Had
  • Hated
  • Lit
  • Paid

Question 4

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Wish - Past: [blank_start]Wished[blank_end] - Present: Know - Past: [blank_start]Knew[blank_end] - Present: Bang - Past: [blank_start]Banged[blank_end] - Present: Ring - Past: [blank_start]Rang[blank_end] - Present: Try - Past: [blank_start]Tried[blank_end]
  • Tried
  • Rang
  • Banged
  • Knew
  • Wished

Question 5

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Put - Past: [blank_start]Put[blank_end] - Present: Haven't - Past: [blank_start]Hadn't[blank_end] - Present: Speak - Past: [blank_start]Spoke[blank_end] - Present: Make - Past: [blank_start]Made[blank_end] - Present: Love - Past: [blank_start]Loved[blank_end]
  • Loved
  • Made
  • Spoke
  • Hadn't
  • Put

Question 6

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Tell - Past: [blank_start]Told[blank_end] - Present: Pass - Past: [blank_start]Passed[blank_end] - Present: Buzz - Past: [blank_start]Buzzed[blank_end] - Present: Press - Past: [blank_start]Pressed[blank_end] - Present: Listen - Past: [blank_start]Listened[blank_end]
  • Listened
  • Pressed
  • Buzzed
  • Passed
  • Told

Question 7

Place in the gap the correct past tense of the following verbs: - Present: Pick - Past: [blank_start]Picked[blank_end] - Present: Walk - Past: [blank_start]Walked[blank_end] - Present: Read - Past: [blank_start]Readed[blank_end] - Present: Talk - Past: [blank_start]Talked[blank_end] - Present: Study - Past: [blank_start]Studied[blank_end]
  • Studied
  • Talked
  • Readed
  • Walked
  • Picked
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